9/8/2016 12:51:00 PM
blufin loui
9/8/2016 9:02:00 PM
blufin loui
9/8/2016 9:17:00 PMWell, it's like this. As Cindy and I fish (using jigs and plastics (and if not using bait), we can usually release a majority of the trout we catch at boat side. By jigging, we are paying attention to our technique and set the hook as soon as a bite is detected, with the usual result in the fish being hooked in the beak or side of the jaw. As with most things, this isn't always the case and we keep those hooked deep or in the eye, or in the gills (or if the fish is bleeding). As the trout are incidental catches we don't usually catch a lot of them either. But back to the question. I like to smoke them up and give them to the less fortunate, manly those who have lost the ability to procure their own fish for whatever reason.
Hope this satisfies any who may have the question and wish everyone an enjoyable fall season in our Great Northwest.

9/8/2016 10:12:00 PMI am fishing Leader tomorrow and early Saturday.
Then I am headed for a motel in Wenatchee to fish Roses and Wapato Saturday and Sunday.
Never been to either lake and trying to figure out how to catch Crappie and Bluegill.
Will see how I do on Leader tomorrow.
Any chance you might be fishing either lake this weekend and would be willing to show a 61 year old guy with a raft ( fishing machine) how to catch some Crappie, perch and bluegill?
I actually bought some Trout Magnets for this trip after reading your reports for Roses and Wapato.
No matter what happens I will be out on both lakes giving it my all. Trout are to easy??

blufin loui
9/9/2016 6:18:00 AMHappy adventures and hope to see ya on the water sometime.