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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Wapato Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



76° - 80°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny
All Day
66° - 70°

Awesome day on the water, Again..
Had another day off, so after morning coffee Cindy and I hooked up the boat and headed over to Wapato to enjoy a sunny day on the water. utilized Jigs with Plastic Bodies to score a decent mess of fish today. We caught Crappie, Bluegill, Bass, and Trout. We fished depth of 8-35 ft, and caught fish throughout. The catching was spread out around the lake and no one spot seemed to be the "honey hole. Bite was light, so attention to detail was the ticket.
Cindy caught her personal best crappie today. It measured 13 1/2" and weighed 1# 4oz. She was excited seeing that one coming to the boat. Trout ranged from 13-16" and really fought well. We were using ultra-lite rods and 4# P-Line. It was a beautiful day on the water with only one ski boat, and they only made a few passes.
It was another great day to be out and about in the Great North West. Water seemed to be clearer today than the last trip (see the bottom in 15 ft. or so of water) and surface water temp about 1.5 degrees less.


9/8/2016 12:51:00 PM
Very nice. Always great to get a personal best. Hey, last time I was up there the yellow jackets were terrible. How are they now?
9/8/2016 2:54:00 PM
9/8/2016 5:41:00 PM
Great report and awesome pictures
blufin loui
9/8/2016 9:02:00 PM
Thanks fishinChristian , and the yellow jackets are still thick in some areas. One trick I've been using is Aerosol sun block. One spritz and they're down. DOWN but not Dead. gotta step on them or some other method of ending their activity. As I burn easily, I started carrying a can with me on the boat and one day just grabbed the can and spritzed the lil buggers. works every time, just gotta be close. LOL.
blufin loui
9/8/2016 9:02:00 PM
Thanks Blandfisherman , we enjoy it.
blufin loui
9/8/2016 9:03:00 PM
Toni, glad you enjoyed it. Have a great fall season.
blufin loui
9/8/2016 9:17:00 PM
Hello everyone, Blufin here. I get questions about "what do you do with all those trout, don't you know there is a possession limit?
Well, it's like this. As Cindy and I fish (using jigs and plastics (and if not using bait), we can usually release a majority of the trout we catch at boat side. By jigging, we are paying attention to our technique and set the hook as soon as a bite is detected, with the usual result in the fish being hooked in the beak or side of the jaw. As with most things, this isn't always the case and we keep those hooked deep or in the eye, or in the gills (or if the fish is bleeding). As the trout are incidental catches we don't usually catch a lot of them either. But back to the question. I like to smoke them up and give them to the less fortunate, manly those who have lost the ability to procure their own fish for whatever reason.
Hope this satisfies any who may have the question and wish everyone an enjoyable fall season in our Great Northwest.
9/8/2016 10:12:00 PM
I am fishing Leader tomorrow and early Saturday.
Then I am headed for a motel in Wenatchee to fish Roses and Wapato Saturday and Sunday.
Never been to either lake and trying to figure out how to catch Crappie and Bluegill.
Will see how I do on Leader tomorrow.
Any chance you might be fishing either lake this weekend and would be willing to show a 61 year old guy with a raft ( fishing machine) how to catch some Crappie, perch and bluegill?
I actually bought some Trout Magnets for this trip after reading your reports for Roses and Wapato.
No matter what happens I will be out on both lakes giving it my all. Trout are to easy??
blufin loui
9/9/2016 6:18:00 AM
Good Morning Northfork. I've been reading about your adventures in the "fishing Machine on the various waters, and it make me want ot go try some new areas. Thanks for the reports. I have plans to be on Wapato on Sun with a couple of fellows who don't get much time on the water, so if you see me there please feel free to come on over for a chat. always enjoy meeting fellow fisherpersons :), and being able to put faces with names of fellow WA Lakers is great. I may not have any "words of wisdom", but I'll be more than happy to show you what's been working for me.
Happy adventures and hope to see ya on the water sometime.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709