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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



46° - 50°
Cutthroat Trout
Mostly Sunny
Mack's Wedding Ring
All Day
46° - 50°

Well NWFR, stay tuned. LET ME START: todays fishing was a 3, but todays enjoyment was a 5

I would first like to say thank you to all of you who left such nice comments on my last report. i was truly overjoyed by the wonderful feedback and positive words.
got out at 8:30 lines in by 8:45. the fish were tough, took 90 mins to catch one, then got a second. missed a third, then picked him up 15 mins later. fish were not staying hooked, so we missed maybe 8 or 9 hits. switched gear and locations after 4 hours of nothing caught 2 more and headed for the launch.

HOLY COW FOLKS. HOLY COW. Well, i had the pleasure of going fishing with fellow NWFR member and great fisherman Petdawg today and man it was a great time! we met at the launch at 8:30 and headed out to get trolling by 8:45. we hit the spot that caught the majority of my fish over the past outings, but got nothing to show for our efforts. (we were trolling dodgers and wedding rings at 20 and 30 ft). So after 90 mins I decided to troll northward up the west shoreline in 75FOW. we finally picked up 2 fish and were feeling better about our efforts. after those fish, we lost one at the boat, missed one, and got another in the span of 15 minutes.

We picked up gear and went back to the start of the troll, and the fish started schooling us. i mean we tried everything. surface fishing, deep rods, ford fenders, different colors, smile blades, speeds, everything. we only caught one kokanee to show for all of our efforts. we spent four hours trolling around for these fish that were having nothing of it.

I noticed some birds, petdawg reminded me fish are with the birds, so we picked up and moved for the last hour of our adventure. we ended up fishing the east shoreline, right in the middle of the lake. we found thousands of seagulls. thousands. upon arrival we switched gear, used a pink wedding ring and a red wedding ring, and we weren't there 5 minutes until petdawg got another good fish. what a relief after 4 hours of nothing! shortly thereafter, we missed 3 hits and petdawg ended the day with a nice big cutthroat.

we trolled around for another 15 mins while i packed up the boat (and the trolling motor died) just to see if there was a bonus fish for us. right as i dropped the rigger however, i noticed a tick on the pole, but just ignored it. turns out i was dragging a 10" trout the whole time. he was safely released.

all in all, just a wonderful day on the water with petdawg. it was great to go out with such a great guy and fellow NWFR member for the first time! we got five keepers, a fantastic day of fishing. the trick today was pink. pink did the trick all the way. 4/5 fish came on a pink ring.


while packing up and processing the fish back at the launch, petdawg and i witnessed the most bizzare/sad/shocking thing. some tourists had come to the launch with their children to check it out i guess... suddenly we here a "OH S***!".. we look up from the fish to see their SUV in the water. thankfully there was no one in the car, but a few surrounding people tried to save the car as the owner panicked and freaked out. the car ended up floating past the docks and sinking just past the seventh slip. i am not sure why they were parked (or not..) facing straight towards the water blocking a launch lane, but it was crazy. thankfully everyone was safe.

well thats what ive got.... another good day.

happy holidays to all and tight lines


12/22/2016 6:53:00 AM
Your reports are awesome! Nice pictures too!
12/22/2016 8:25:00 AM
The stuff we witness at the boatlaunch! We've all got stories, (including myself). I like the way you tell yours
12/22/2016 8:28:00 AM
Thanks again for another great report. Very sad, I've had close calls where I started to step out of my truck when backing my boat down the ramp, thankfully I've never gotten completely out without putting the truck in Park first. Hope they are able to retrieve their vehicle before everything inside is completely destroyed. What a way to celebrate the holidays!
12/22/2016 10:11:00 AM
I have to say a huge Thank You to wafisherman20 for a great time yesterday. This fishing was a little slow, but we had a great time talking about everything and in the end we got the fish we were after. I even caught my first Kokanee which was a thrill and it was safely returned to the water and shot off like a missile when released. I live very close to Lake Sammamish, but have never fished it. I guess I was a little intimidated by its size and just not sure where to go and what to do. After spending a day on the lake with Paul, I feel I can fish this lake with confidence. It was amazing his knowledge of all the areas we fished. I also feel like I made a new fishing buddie that I can't wait to fish with again.

Judging by how many fish we saw on the fish finder and the very few people out there fishing the fish population seems pretty good for Lake Sammamish. All WDFW rules were followed. The fish will be eaten, some fresh and some smoked. We lost twice as many as we actually caught. I think it is up to each individual to decide what they do with their fish, as long as they follow the rules. When I fish in areas that the fisheries struggle I am happy to do catch and release. It just seems every report wafisherman20 puts up, someone has got to jump in with comments that are really are not warranted. I am hesitant to even post this due to the negative comments that may come from it, but it needs to be said. I hope I get the chance to fish Lake Sammamish again soon with wafisherman20. It was one of the most fun fishing trips I have had this year.

Thanks again wafisherman20 for a great day on the lake, and have a great holiday with your family.

12/22/2016 11:25:00 AM
Sammamish cutties are real shallow this time of year. You may have been fishing under them. They are feeding on midges in the top 10-15 ft. Drop your lines way back about 100 ft because they are boat shy. If you are getting light hits or light hookups increase your speed about 1/2 mile an hour. I have switched my efforts to blackmouth for the winter, Had a helluva day out in MA 8-2 weds. When you get ready to "man up" let me know and we'll hook up and go chase these bad boys. Its rough, its cold and there is nothing like it!!! And yes I do have a full canopy and heat.
12/22/2016 7:09:00 PM
Hey wafisherman20 and welcome back! Great to see these reports from the lake in the middle of winter! Gives me hope that once I get through the holidays with work and family, I may be able to take the cover off the Tin Cup and get some lines wet again before spring!! Keep em tight and thanks for the great reports!
12/22/2016 11:24:00 PM
petdawg thanks for the wonderful message! it certainly was a blast going with you. next time.... more hookups :). wishing your family happy holidays and go dawgs!

salmonbarry it would be great to see you out on the water. shoot me a pm if you want some detailed spots or gear combos that the fish were chomping on my previous outings... always happy to share my number with you/ meet up on the water to chat if we are fishing the same day.

tight lines to all and happy holidays

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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709