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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Eloika Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Ice Fishing
Power Eggs

I went out from 1 to 3 this after noon. Haven't iced fished in many years.decided it was time ...so I grabbed my little ultra light, a axe,and a bucket... Off I went !!! Found couple pre dug holes,,, chopped threw top layer of ice...dug threw my tackle put on a silver Swedish pimple tipped with a white gulp egg....about 10 minutes in hook my first fish. About a 9 inch fat perch...needless to say with in 2 hours fishing , I cought 9 perch....2 bass witch was the first time I've ever hooked threw the ice. And lost 2 of witch were unknown do to they pulled a lot of drag and got off... So for not ice fishing in some time, I must say, I'll be going again real soon. Fish on !!!


1/30/2017 10:05:00 AM
Glad you had a good time. Your mention of an ax reminded me of the big holes I found in the ice at Eloika a couple of years ago made by an ax angler. Big enough to swallow a man and small boy. Do us all a favor and get a drill. Legal size hole is 10 inchs MAX!
1/30/2017 6:50:00 PM
Oh I do no that...I was using holes that were all ready drilled before. Just had to break the ice out of them..I did end up going Sunday for 4 hours ,,got some better tackle.. Ended up getting a#2 Swedish pimple. Silver with yellow,,, and grabbed some white crappie nibbles to tip it with.,,cought 27 perch ,, one blue gill ,and 2 bass,,, one of witch was little over 2 pounds,,,,I'm a catch and release sport fisherman....I also explored the lake for depth,,noticed out in the middle is around same depth as closer to shore.. Do you no were there is any deeper spots on the lake??? And is there any trout or pike ??? New to area and I'm looking for some other places to try as well, do you have any suggestions??? Fish on..........
2/3/2017 2:52:00 PM
As far as I know and have been told, there is no such thing as "catch and release" when using bait in Washington.
2/3/2017 6:21:00 PM
All I no is I love fishing,, for the fun and sport,, I have common sense wen it comes to catch and release,,and cutting holes in ice,, thought I,d share my exsperiance on here for other to read about the lake ,,, seam to have hatters respond back,, I fish barbless ..and very aware of the fish I release, and there condition...., WITH BAIT OR NO BAIT..... Love to fish,, fish on ....Schenk
2/3/2017 6:42:00 PM
I enjoyed your report I have caught trout there but not many only pickerel no northern pike hope you keep posting thanks
2/3/2017 6:52:00 PM
The catch and release rule with bait applies only to trout. All other fish can catch and release all day while using bait. U less otherwise stated in the special rules. Was there any size to the perch you were getting ?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709