4/13/2017 9:52:00 AM
4/13/2017 10:03:00 AMThanks for your previous comment, it was a stellar day! I purchased the extension back in the days of Joe's sporting goods. I think you should still able to get one if you search online. I would think you could make one using pvc tubing?
Hope this helps!

4/14/2017 7:22:00 AM
4/14/2017 8:41:00 AMThe fish appeared to be on the east side of the lake so opposite the park. Hope you can find some fish!

4/14/2017 9:57:00 AMNice to hear from you. Fast action is where the hook is placed on the wide end of the spoon and narrow end is attached to the leader.
Recommend highly using 5/8" duo lock for ease in changing out the spoons as well as allows the split ring some freedom to move. Can also make a small loop knot and thread through the split ring for similar effect.

4/17/2017 4:22:00 PM
4/17/2017 4:43:00 PMI encourage you to read the state regs before fishing any body of water you are not familiar with. That said, this lake has no special rules so falls under general regs for lakes. Limit is only 5 trout caught when using bait. Released fish count towards the 5 fish limit. When not using bait, limit is 5 fish kept. Since I release all the fish, there is no limit on catching and releasing.

4/17/2017 11:02:00 PM