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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Hard time getting crab this whole week in the bay...My father and I managed 12 keeper dungees in about 5-6 days worth of crabbing and we were hitting it hard but the tides were never really high and we also had trouble keeping the sunstars out, and we had one of our nice traps either stolen or cut in someones prop and some other considerate boater hit a float of ours so it needs to be replaced and it was somehow in 3 feet of water and 200 yards down from where I placed it when I went out to pick them up this morning....Looks like it will be a tough summer for crab...Also had a guy who was sure that I picked up his pot flip out on me even though it was my pot and he was to ignorant to admit that it was mine, and he drove by my house and just introduced himself and told me where he lived but still no apology but whatever it was a nice week on the beach with great weather and great friends...Oh and we got a few rockfish off Double Bluff nothing big but they are tasty for sure....


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709