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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 7 San Juan Islands Report



All Day

well I don't have the patience for salmon fishing at least not this time of the year. so I went and tried to catch and release a big lingcod. the problem with doing this is inevitably you always you'll drag up a lot of rockfish that do not survive the pressure change. It's not very ethical if you ask me to kill five rockfish while you catch and release one lingcod. to solve this problem i rigged a 12inch greenling on a spreader bar with a pound of weight and fished it while my dad used a 12 inch jig. on the second drift over a shelf i had a pretty solid bite and missed him. I inspected my bait and sure enough their was a line of teeth marks halfway up the 12in greenling. the current started moving pretty quickly now and we fished numerous other spots and i got one more bite that left a few teeth marks. overall our methods for not catching rockfish were successful but our I'm pretty sure we were also scaring away any lings that weren't over 30inches. we also fished shallow(<40ft) for greenling probably an hour and caught a few small lings, few small rockfish, and one greenling for the cooler. next time i'll hook into one of those biggins.

oh heres a pic of my dads ling he caught in October. didn't get an oficail measurement cause he went back in the water right after this pick. notice how wet I am thats cause we didn't have a net.


2/16/2009 9:48:00 PM
where on lopez i fish for lings there too
big fish lite line
2/16/2009 10:34:00 PM
there is a marker on the north west corner of lopez. thats were I had the first bite. it goes from 20ft to 200 in a series of ledges. the current really affects you their so try to plan on a slack.
The Redneck Emo
2/17/2009 6:30:00 AM
i didnt know you were allowed to c&r ling cod
me and my dad always fish birds rock and do pretty well when we go up there we have pulled many 40+ inchers
2/23/2009 7:24:00 PM
I like the white out of the islands in the background, quick job uh? Thats funny though, nice fish! great spot.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709