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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 6 East Juan De Fuca Strait Report


Pink Salmon
All Day

so my dad and I decided to rent a boat out of the local marina in sequim bay, and we rented two crab pots because crabbing season just opened up. I have never seen so many crab pots in my entire life in sequim bay, but we set the pots and went fishing. we went out in front of diamond point and protections island for some pinks and chinooks (C&R) and for 2 hours all we got was a nice sun burn, so we decided to go back and check the crab pots, and on the first pull we had 7 dungeness keepers, and 2 rock crab keepers, so we set the pots again and went fishing. when we set the pots the second time we set one in about 50ft of water with 130ft of line on the pot. so after that we went out to the island to fish around there and we had to solid hook ups with fish but half way throught the fight we lost them, so that was a big dissapointment. and this darn seal kept following right behind out boat for 2 hours. I wish we could shoot these seals because they just sit there and wait to be fed and scare off the fish. maybe i should bring a paintball gun and shoot them haha , just kidding. so now we decided to go back and check out pots and well.........we went looking for our first one, and well......someone had stole it. so that really sucked, and the we went for the 2nd pot and got 5more dungeness and 2 more rock crabs and after having that bad of a day and pot stealers we decided to call it a day and go home.


Adam B.
7/5/2009 4:05:00 PM
You are allowed to use paintball guns on seals. You can check with the WDFW if you like too to be sure but that is what they said last year. Also with having 130 ft. of line and only 50 ft. of water, the angle of the line from the buoy to the pot is very shallow so a boat even 20 ft. away could have accidentally run over it and not even know it.
7/5/2009 5:24:00 PM
ya i figured a boat could of ran over it, but we dropped the pot on the edge of portection island and we only saw one boat all day go over near it, so im guessing the jacked it, oh well no worries
7/6/2009 11:16:00 AM
so after reading your paintball deal, i contacted WDFW and they said to contact NOAA because they manage the laws about that, and after i contacted them i found that it was legal to shoot them with a paintball gun, and they gave me a link of all the ways to safely detur a seal and i wanted to post the link for everyone to see: http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/Marine-Mammals/Seals-and-Sea-Lions/Deterring-Pinnipeds.cfm

there is a PDF list to download. check out :)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709