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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 7 San Juan Islands Report



OK where to start. The weekend before Last. My buddy and I went down to Deception pass for a little ling fishing off the shore. Im throwing a 4 oz Point Wilson Dart. To my amazement, guess what grabs a hold of it? A nice huge chrome springer, I battled this beast of a fish for at least ten minutes. Up and down the rocks running around campers.. After taking a good 150 or more yards of my line he/she starts coming in towards shore. Then I see the tail of this pig comeup Wow at least 12 14 inches. After some more chaos I get in close enuff to see. My 11 foot rod was bent to the max. Here it is a chrome bright 25 30 lb springer. Guess what happens next? Hook Broke my dream king is gone. At least I seen it.Couldnt keep it anyway but Damn. But we mangaged a couple undersizer lings... Ok The weekend of MAY 30. Went to Friday Harbor for a vacation. Went out to Spieden Islan on the boat for some action. Got one keeper ling to the boat. barbless hook let him go for me. caught so many rockfish it was crazy. and tons of 16 to 20 inch lings, wheres the big boys???? I also managed a rockfish Im not sure if they are normally this big, but this is my boggest rocvkfish I have ever seen. 5 6 lbr his eyes were the size of a 50 cent piece, got a couple greenling too. Last day of the vacation Monday. Went to limestone point of something like that. Hooked up a live eel i found on the beach. tossed itout with my ultra light trout gear. Drifted these eels in the current and landed Lings and rockfish off the shore. whata fight with a 5 foot ugly stick. Got some 15 18 inch lings and some small rockfish.... I love the san juans...


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709