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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Chinook Salmon

Okay, I am still learning this salmon fishing in the Sound, but I finally have good news. I heard that this area has been doing well so I drove up Sunday and talked with several boaters comming in and it was good news, so I took my son, his friend and we headed out Monday early afternoon. Went to the west end of Possesion and had downriggers at 140' in 160FOW. At 6 pm bam the pole goes down and I holler at my son, everything went real well and he hauled in a nice 15#er. Now you just will not believe what I caught it on, a Gulp chartruse sqid. I used a worm rod to punch a hole thru the middle and then tied up the hooks and had a leader 18" long. Its kinda heavy so I wanted a short leader to make sure I had action. That was it for the night. Went bcak to the dock after dark, ate and spent the night in the boat. Next morning we set out again, nothing but bad luck first thing, lost a downrigger ball and release clip, lost several other lures. Then about 7am my pole went off and I brought in a 11#er, caught him on a black and purple hoochie with a green glow flasher, again had a leader about 18". Caught him in 60 FOW trolling 10 off the bottom. After that had another take down and lost it, Sun came out and I switched to UV flashers and spoons. Was using a 3" coyote, had green/ red with white stripe down the middle, think it was a glow/uv spoon. At noon that pole went off in 90 FOW. We were just about dragging bottom and I was turning out. Well it was my son's freind turn. He never fished ever before. He was doing real well, had the fish up to the boat, I was slowly turning the boat and stayed on the troll just slowed up a bit, had the downrigger up but the ball in the water. The fish saw the boat shaddow and dove under it and around the ball, the rest is history. It was his lucky day, for the fish that is. Had to go, had a lot of fun and fish to take home!!!


8/11/2010 9:49:00 AM
Nice report, even the gear that looks goofy fished properly will catch fish. I was amazed by your leader lengths, but that probably way key. Those were some active feeders to hit a lure with that much action. How fast were u running with the short leaders.

Oh yeah, thats awesome getting the kids out for some high quality fishing.
8/11/2010 11:19:00 AM
We were trolling around 2.0 mph, water speed as my fishfinder was showing. I have been fishing with 42" leader length on hoochies because people I have been talking with have been. I have also done research on salmon university, have a book on fishing the sound for salmon and been to seminars. None of these places ever said to use such a short leader, I was at Sportco in Fife and ran into a kid that told me he uses 18 to 22" leaqders and that is why I tried it.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709