1/14/2011 11:01:00 PM
1/15/2011 5:34:00 AM
Bob R
1/15/2011 5:55:00 AM
1/15/2011 6:07:00 AMI appreciate the head's up. I always obey the beach driving laws. I don't drive down to or in the surf zone. But I take my car down about half way to it. I've got a bad back and carrying my gear in the car as far as possible makes a big difference. The first two access points didn't offer the possibility. One was flooded, mostly with rain water I think but still I don't like driving on wet sand. The other had been badly eroded and I wasn't sure my Chevy Prism was going to make it in and out. Either would have left me parked a LONG way from the surf.
Driving in the surf or driving too far from it next to the cliffs are both GREAT ways to get your car stuck on the beach. And as Bob pointed out driving in the surf zone is illegal and bad for the environment. Read the regs before you go and remember no fish is worth losing your car in the tide.

1/15/2011 6:55:00 AM
1/15/2011 6:58:00 AMI will find out what they taste like this evening. I've never eaten them before and I've heard opinions all over the scale about them. Even if they aren't what I want to eat they'd still be worth catch and release fishing. The larger ones REALLY slam for their size and the little guys are a lot of fun on ultra-light tackle in the summer.

The Quadfather
1/15/2011 10:07:00 AM
Bob R
1/15/2011 7:00:00 PM
1/16/2011 6:18:00 PMI'm disappointed since I'm on a fixed income and bringing food to the table would help me offset the cost of beach runs. And surfperch are both plentiful and clean unlike say sole out of commencement bay. But it is what it is. Catch and release for me from now on. Still a FUN fish to catch.