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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report


Pink Salmon

I just read Mike Carey's report and may have had a little better luck, but not much. I took a new guy, Jeff, and both our young sons. Our goal was to get into fish like I did a few days ago to the get the youngsters on the rod. We had lines in the water by 6:50am but the big chop on the water made it difficult for "sight fishing" as I normally do. I also think that the late tide change was a factor.We didn't see many fish jumping or finning, but we were able to hook a few. Jeff and I were able to hook 10 fish, hand the rods to the kids, and we landed 4. Not a complete failure, but things were much slower than a few days ago. My son did the land the biggest of the day (and season) with his 9lb buck; very nice fish. I'm sure we would have landed more if Jeff and I were fighting fish, but that would have defeated our goal of getting the kids "hooked". All in all we had a really fun time even though we were fighting the wind most of the day. We pulled out of there and weaved our way back through the gill-netters to Everett around 1pm. One thing was consistent; there were fish in the shallows. We never caught a fish any deeper than 25 feet of water.

With archery deer season starting on Thursday, this may have been my last hoorah with the pinks this season. We'll see. . .

p.s. thanks for saying "hi" Mark/Sea. Glad you were able to get into that last pod of fish.

I'll look forwarding to reading "Dave's" report from today. Hope the weather doesn't screw things up for you Dave!


8/30/2011 6:46:00 PM
Thanks Fetchitup7! We just got lucky, hoping to get lucky again soon. Popped our silver into the smoker for a couple hours last night for a delicious slow cooked, smoke flavored salmon ... didn't brine.... The leftovers went into Zataran's salmon cakes this evening. Way to turn the hooked fish to the younguns!
8/30/2011 6:49:00 PM
25ft????? I thought mine were shallow at 3-4 times that depth........ LOL That's awesome, I'll have to try a swing thru the shallow, I mean REAL shallow areas. Thanks!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709