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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 6 East Juan De Fuca Strait Report


Pink Salmon

You know.... You cant judge a day on the water by the amount of fish that you catch, but by the time spent on(or by) it. Decided to head to the beach last night and all the family came a long for the trip. Got to the water by about 7 and things were looking a little bit like it was going to be a slow night. My sons were having fun throwing rocks and stick into the water, building "forts" out of drift wood, and my little girls were reading and playing in the sand. My wife was cheering me on in my attempt to catch a pink.

After about 20 mins. we had decided to move further down the beach to try another spot. The boys wanted to stay and continue on there quest for the perfect fort. My 22 month litttle girl was in dire need of a clothing change due to the ever present need to get into the water.

So offf we went down the beeach some more. Saw a lot of fish jump and thought that it was the right place to be. After about 3 casts, first pink on the beach. MY FIRST PINK EVER AND SECOND SALMON EVER!!! It was great to get it up to shore. Got that one taken care of and the very next cast, BAM!!!! Another beautiful pink. 5 lbs female on the stringer. Finished bleeding that one and by that time, my wife was about 50 yards away, my wife had noticed me catching fish. The very next cast, BOOM!! fish on. last a big pink right at shore due to line breaking. Retied everything up and two casts later, another pink on shore. Line broke trying to get it out of the surf(notice the trend with the line!!) The next cast after that, ANOTHER HIT!! Lost that one 2 ft. from my cooler, or should I say the beach. Oh well on the lost fish.

I gave this post a 5 due to the beautiful evening spent with the family and 3 fish in the cooler. I know that you cant buy memories like the one from last night and I also know that today is another day with my beautiful and lovely wife saying we should go back out to try and get some more form the freezer. Remember to take your family to the beaches, boat rides, fishing and hunting trips everywhere. The memories are a lot tastier than any fish or animal harvested. Good luck and hard fighting fish on the other end of the line!



9/1/2011 11:13:00 AM
Nice job.
Gringo Pescador
9/1/2011 11:30:00 AM
Nice report! I remember my 1st fish from the beach - "oh I hooked some more seaweed..wait! That's a headshake! That's a fish!!" To have the family there all enjoying themselves, all doing thier own thing, but TOGETHER. That is a great evening!
9/1/2011 11:38:00 AM
Thanks for the replies!! I hope to get out this evening to see what it has to offer as well.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709