9/9/2012 7:03:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Wifee asks, "Want to go fishing tomorrow?" I say, "I don't know, let me think about it". 3 seconds later.....Yep! Had to string her along.......LOL!
In the water at 7:30am. Planned to show up late. Same as all previous trips, so the early bird boat ramp crowd and 45min boat line of ramp follies and parking snafu's had time to clear out.
We roll up at during daylight. No one in line. No one parked on the ramp, in the dark with there headlights blinding you in the face when rolling in and in the mirrors when backing down the ramp. Unhook boat trailer tie downs. Dr's on boat before leaving the driveway. Gear in boat, boat slides off the trailer and off to park......somewhere!
It is a bit sad to see the hurried boat trailer/truck parking jobs that are "okay" with people in a hurry!. Some should be forced to pay for two spots.........and pass a boat trailer backing course.......twice! That is all I will say about that.
Today, as event full as all other day's. Except flotilla coming into view, as we rounded the Shilshole break water. Was, slightly congested. Forgot about the Edmonds derby............or maybe........just maybe.........neglected to mention this bit of intel to the wifee. Also added the term "shaker" to the vocabulary. More on that later.
Same gear as all other days. This being the.........Hmmm, let me count. Tue-1, Wed-2, Thur-3, Sat-4, what about Fri? Must count that too. So, 5th day in a row..........already!.
Wiffee had a crash course on the basic workings of a level wind reel. She has decided her gear to DR clip drop back since day 1. I set line depth in clip, ask what the desired depth is, and deploy Dr ball to that depth (the depth is determined by Intel she acquires while I am parking. That is how I find out what she knows!) While she thumbs the spool until I stop the ball. Only thing is, she is always looking for other boats for me to hit, while this portion of the fishing takes place. Soooooooo, what happens is, the brakes on the Dr, are applied to the Dr ball loooooooooong before the spool is engaged on the level wind reel. Meaning, lots of line is played out while I stand there, looking at the spool turn and turn.......LOL! I sometimes comment by asking "how much line do you have left?" Or "Whatcha doin?". Then, she will wonder why i am reeling and reeling and...............you guessed it.......reeling the slack out, loading the rod...........LoL.........too funny!. She thinks I am going to accidently pop the line from the clip and have to reset the gear. Which, by the way "is a load of crap!".
The water has been fairly clean of surface salad, and not much commenting concerning the gear retrieval, cleaing and deploying being a load of crap. Nope, now she is annoyed by shakers!.........LOL! Yep, that is a new set of rules altogether. Since she is used to a fish stripping the line from the clip. And unfamiliar with the antics of a shaker, much less the term "shaker". This presents some difficulty deciding "what thee-ell is going on with my rod tip?"
Hmmmmm, we will try and figure this out........together. What do you think it is? I don't know....she will reply. Why does it not stop? Well, there is a whole list of possibilities. Including, jelly fish, shaker, surface debre that has slid down the line, two lines tangled, gear fowled. She quizes shaker? Tell me more about a shaker! Well, it is a Fish, as I go on the Wifee has already keyed on the word "FISH" and launched the entire length of the boat, to her pole!. As I was saying, it is a smallish fish. A question arises "Why won't my line release from the "thingy"? Well, as I was explaining. You most likely have a shaker. Does that mean I can shake it off? Well, I suppose so. But not until the shaker is in your hand.
Later at the dock. While answering the question of the fish checker. The lady asks if any "shakers" were caught? Wiffee say's "Well, we caught a couple that fell through the webbing of the net!" Fish checker lady replies, "We call those shakers". Wiffee say's......."okay, caught and released a couple of those.........LOL!" Fish checker leaves, chuckling of course!
Today's tally. Gear down 7:20, lines out of the water at 9:20. 8 fish hooked. two lost after battled to just out of imaginary net handle length (that 10ft mark). 2 fish released that fell through the net (shakers). Wife thinks any fish that get's off is a "load of crap!". And that I (Moto) should have reeled it in. I tell her she is doing everything right!. Some fish are just not hooked very well, and for that reason we won't land them all. Apparently satisfied, she gets comfy in her bow area and waits for the next "funny thing, her pole will do next!.
Green hot spot flasher/white squid on one rod. Red hot spot/green splatter back on wiffee's rod. 30" leader. 50-70ft down. Trolling speed 3.0 - 3.5mph. In 250ft of water.
Today total fish weight 19lbs. 8 fillets weighting 11+ lbs. All headed for the smoker. Friends and family receiving fillet of fish.
Oh, and Wiffee asks, "What about tomorrow?". Do I feel a headache coming on? If so, guess I'll take one for the team, and say yes!
Wifee also found out today. I am seeing how many trips we will get from the 5 gallons of gas. Left in one tank, from opening day of trout season. After 5 trips, there is about a gallon left to burn.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service