7/14/2013 1:54:00 PM
7/14/2013 3:51:00 PMbut didn't get anything.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Well we took a trip out to Tahuya to get some crab. Dropped our pots around 2:30 with high hopes. One pot at 65ft the other at about 120ft. Pulled them up at 8:00pm to find a few female dungies and 3 flounder in the 65ft pot. The deeper pot was empty. We decided to drop them again and keep them out over night. Came back this morning, shallow pot had about 8 female dungies. Deeper pot had 1 female dungie. That was it. Bait was chum salmon. Also noticed the females were regrowing their claws. No undersized males. Total waste of gas. Found out today from a coworker after complaining about being skunked on the hood canal, (which has never happened before.) That he had been out there a week prior and found out from hoodsport locals that the natives commercially crabbed up until 2 weeks of recreational opener. They had all their pots in 50+ft of water, so if you go to crab hood canal drop shallower than you normally would. Thats what my coworker did and finally managed to pick up a few. Good luck, total bummer.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service