Kaptain King
8/14/2013 8:44:00 AM
8/14/2013 8:06:00 PM7:30am- 2 fish on the pier that came at sunrise- 2 guys and a gal fishing the beach
8am- Dash Point~ half the parking lot empty, 3 people on the beach and a guy said that a school came thru at sunrise and 10 or so were caught on the pier but none from the beach but that was it.
8:30am~ Browns point~ 3 people fishing the north side of the light house and about 6 on the south side. did not go down as I was sure it was the same story..
9am- my buddy calls from Jeff Head and said slow, slow, one lost but the checker said 14 boats with 7 kings but were caught on the Seattle side by shilshole