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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 11 Tacoma - Vashon Report


Pink Salmon

Tough going today. We spent a few too many hours between Redondo & Dash Point without so much as a bump today. Only a few boats out this afternoon but everyone we talked to shared our crummy luck today. Only heard of one person getting to bonk one off the dock at Redondo. Did see a few seals early on & maybe 4 jumpers the entire afternoon. Anyone else having much luck in that area yet?

I think I have the hubby talked into touring around Point Defiance on Thursday :)


Kaptain King
8/14/2013 8:44:00 AM
I was down towards the mouth of the Puke yesterday in my Yak from 4PM - 6PM casting buzz bomb and a rotator - both with hoochie and a little anise scent and I didn't get one damn hit. Seals everywhere and just a couple of boats. I fished the little pocket where they moore the barges and there is a little gravle island. I saw a lot of fish taken from there...Just not last night!!!
8/14/2013 8:06:00 PM
I scouted it out this morning on my way to Fife starting at Redondo:
7:30am- 2 fish on the pier that came at sunrise- 2 guys and a gal fishing the beach
8am- Dash Point~ half the parking lot empty, 3 people on the beach and a guy said that a school came thru at sunrise and 10 or so were caught on the pier but none from the beach but that was it.
8:30am~ Browns point~ 3 people fishing the north side of the light house and about 6 on the south side. did not go down as I was sure it was the same story..
9am- my buddy calls from Jeff Head and said slow, slow, one lost but the checker said 14 boats with 7 kings but were caught on the Seattle side by shilshole
8/14/2013 9:54:00 PM
We went out of Redondo this morning at 7:00 am. Did not get any hits using pink buzz bombs and pink jigs but saw other boats catch a few pinks. The Humpies are not in in big numbers yet but should be by next week. Will hit it again then.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709