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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


Coho Salmon

Well after limiting out Sunday I didn't think I could ever top that one. Wrong on all accounts. I got home last night and my wife who has that look of disgust goes... a.) where the bleep have you been, b.) your friend John called and wants to know if you can go out on his boat and c.) Mark called (sigh) same request.

I'm thinking where the heck were these offers when the Kings were jogging through. My wife then in the coldest voice she could muster says you are going to say NO to both offers.... we (which of course meant she) needs me to drive us (which means her) to the store(s) for stuff. Now before you say well let your wife drive herself to the store I want to envision Sheldon (of Big Bang Theory) driving. Now that the image is stuck in your head the story will continue. Well I call both my friends back and one halfway promises that we will be off the water by 11:00 A.M. the other does. Both offers have similar conditions, 'you got to be up and moving at or around 5:00 a.m.' Which for me isn't the easiest thing to do. I may be up but moving ha ha and ha.

Well the insomnia gods woke me at 4:30 a.m. and I got ready. Phone call about pickup occurs and I say I will be out. I'm told BYOR (bring your own rod) BYOG (Bring your own gear)... no problem I'm ready. Johns wife picks me up and we head to Mukilteo and wait starts. Eventually we are on the water and I pull out my Purple haze flasher with the same Green White Coho killer and start setting up. John notices the Coho Killer and for whatever reason has prejudices towards (something I had forgotten). We get to Possession Bar and John goes well it's 35 feet for you COHO KILLER user. He goes to 50 with his Red Racer Flasher and the Splatter Back Green Hoochie. His wife is on the diver and does about 45 pulls.

I sit back and start to drift back to sleep - 4 shots of espresso and I'm still dead to the world. Johns wife notices my rod bounce and says fish on. I respond and am dragged out of my sleep state. Landed successfully my first Coho of the year. Linda's rod would bounce next and she too has a Coho. So we have two fish in the box. I switch over to my Pink Hoochie with the White Flasher and decide I'm targeting a pink. Well the fish didn't read the sign as I got my second Coho (again at 35 feet). After that I'm sent to 45 feet, John hijacks my Coho Killer and decides that he will do 35. Within the next couple of hours we have more fish.

Around 10:30 we head back, Linda drove me home, and now I have to explain to my wife why we now have 8 fish in the fridge instead of only 4. I'm thinking of using the well the fish swam into the fridge or multiplied like dust bunnies under the fridge... in any case

Wish me luck!


9/3/2013 8:38:00 AM
Great report! Love your style.......fish on!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709