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Area 2 Westport - Ocean Shores Report



61° - 65°
Albacore Tuna
Mostly Sunny
Bait Only
All Day
56° - 60°

I turned 50 this last September and needed something new. I chose tuna fishing. I gathered a ton of knowledge and made some trips out of Westport with my boat. I got skunked a couple times and caught 3 on one trip and then 10 on another trip. I hitched a ride on someone else's boat and the 3 of us caught 23 tuna. Over the course of this month or so I began collecting the appropriate gear, rods, reels, bait tank, lures and various other gizmos. I also made an extension collar for my in floor fish box so it would hold more fish and ice. I continued to gather more information... LOCATIONS.

So this last Sunday I launched out of Westport at around 5am, picked up my live bait about 6 and headed out to the grounds about 40 miles from the WP launch. I was originally headed out further but saw a pocket of boats and heard positive radio chatter. There wasn't much surface activity but there was some. One thing I did learn is some guys tuna fishing really like a LOT of space between boats so I motored well past most of them. Keeping a half mile distance between boats seems to be the norm BUT under no circumstances should you be closer than a couple hundred yards unless invited in to share in a bait stop.

Anyhoo, I began fishing with live bait. The fish were hungry! I caught 26 tuna over the next about 8 hours. It was unreal action! I moved back upwind a couple of times when there was a lull in the action but also enjoyed the breaks in the bite.. so I could process some fish and get them in the ice.

26 tuna in 8 hours of fishing, solo, out of a registered 17' boat(19.5' w/extension) about 40 miles from the WP launch.


10/15/2013 10:32:00 AM
10/15/2013 10:43:00 AM
Great pics! 26 tuna by yourself!? Boy your arms are gonna be sore tomorrow! How fun! Great job!
10/15/2013 11:08:00 AM
That's a lot of fun, and good eating, too. I like your description of the learning process. Most of us just write up the final success, but what you describe is the way I've learned every new species, including tuna. Well done, sir!
Incidentally, my father-in-law used to say anyone who says they caught more than a dozen tuna in a day couldn't be telling the truth. I never told him just how many tuna I hauled in in a day, but I certainly have no problem believing you! 26 is great. So, pressure wash the black out?
The Quadfather
10/15/2013 12:52:00 PM
17-19.5' boat 40 miles out? Solo..? Dang!! (-:
glad youre back to share your story.
10/15/2013 1:36:00 PM
In my books, you sir are the most respected fisherman ever. Thats amazing! Nice catch and probably even better of a workout. (Coming from a personal trainer.) If you need to get some of that tuna off of your hands give me a shout ;)
10/15/2013 1:48:00 PM
Dang you are a fast learner. Love it. Where is all the ice to cool them down?
10/15/2013 2:51:00 PM
Nice going, good to mention about learning process, never comes easy,...
10/15/2013 4:49:00 PM
I saw this post when I was at work. I said to myself "Dang I know that boat, that's my neighbor". Sure as shit, when I get home I see you knee deep in fish parts. BTW - How the heck did you con your brother into coming over and help clean that horde? Sounds like you had an awesome time. Great post.
Mike Carey
10/15/2013 5:36:00 PM
40 miles on the ocean in an under 20 foot boat takes big cahonas. This report gets featured on our Face Book page for sure!
10/15/2013 5:49:00 PM
Well done! Thanks for a great report.
The Quadfather
10/15/2013 7:19:00 PM
OK.. I'm back to comment again.
Mark! That is an *-pile of fish for one guy! I don't know how I would have felt in your shoes out there. Please comment back on here and tell us. When I am in some sort of fishing situation and having one hell of a good time, I always want to have someone with me to bounce the good times off of, ya know? But what was your feeling way the heck out there, and boating 26 fish on your own? I mean, did you ever just wish you had a buddy to fist bump or something? Or was it like a Jesus moment... and you were all communing with nature and stuff?
I need more information on what that felt like. (-: smiley face to the tenth power.
The Quadfather
10/15/2013 7:22:00 PM
Picture #4 is a freaking blood bath!
10/15/2013 7:43:00 PM
Mike Carey
10/15/2013 8:21:00 PM
Quadfather, I second your comments. MarkFromSea is "EpicFishWarrior"!
10/15/2013 9:45:00 PM
Pressure wash the black out? I'm not sure what that means. Blood washes off easy enough, bleach and dish wash soap.... The boat's outside, it's a fishing machine not a fancy white yacht. LOL But seriously.... the gray deck is dark all the time, it's about 18 years old. It could use a pressure wash.
10/15/2013 9:54:00 PM
About the distance... Is it really that far? I used to pick the nastiest windiest winter day and launch at Sand Point, haul ass to Ivars at Coulon Park just for their chowder and the fun of the ride! (about 30 years ago) I work on boats/tugs, I'm very comfortable out there. I commercially trolled for salmon, or more correctly, I deckhanded for a friend in AK one summer 15-16 years ago... Snatch and grab man! Get those pigs on the deck!

Kenmore launch to Renton and back, about 40 miles...

Yes, it is quite a ways, but that's where the fish are... gotta be real weather selective.
10/15/2013 10:01:00 PM
Ice, 40 pounds in each of the 3 coolers, lots more in the fish box that holds about 16 tuna, decapitated and gutted, cooled them down with sub 60* ocean water.57* stuffed ice in them and over, away we go.. YES... it was unusually cold for tuna, this is the end of the season, they will be gone very soon. My guesstimate is I had fish from 15-18 pounds on up to 30 pounds.
10/15/2013 10:06:00 PM
Really glad you stopped by D! Thanks! LOL Bro's getting fish and talking old times... LOL I was glad for the help! Oh, by the way, nuclear super sauce coming up for the future garden like old times! LOL
"MAddogdad says:
October 15, 2013 04:49 PM
[report negative comment]
I saw this post when I was at work. I said to myself "Dang I know that boat, that's my neighbor". Sure as shit, when I get home I see you knee deep in fish parts. BTW - How the heck did you con your brother into coming over and help clean that horde? Sounds like you had an awesome time. Great post. "
10/15/2013 10:13:00 PM
It was a hell of a workout, but I had my aspirin and advil in the morning, chased it with coffee and a half dozen sandwiches.... bustin tail for sure... my shirt was off half the day....

There was a learning curve definitely. I think this had a huge amount of luck though..... I was damn lucky that I stumbled into a dense population of fish, 3+ fish, scratch that, TUNA, per hour.... The equipment I ended up with made shorter work than some would have... 6:1 ratio, capable of 25 pounds of drag( I never went that high), mounted on>>>>> a 8 1/2' MUSKY rod! Talk about back bone and control!
10/15/2013 10:16:00 PM
That's a great question Quad..... I.... I'm kinda used to fishing or hunting solo, it's the way I've always done it. I gotta get to the pressure cooker, back in a few...
10/15/2013 10:47:00 PM
Quad>> The thing I wish, more than having someone else there, was that I had a go pro or vid device to tape the ENTIRE 15 hours, launch through retrieve. Not that many would want to see it, rarely do I find anyone interested in that,,, BUT, I don't want to forget a single moment of that journey. I'd just play it on the boob tube every year or so while I do chores around the house... or tapping on the puter. It's like I was in this mission mode, lost count after 18 fish, no limit on tuna. I only needed to be concerned with proper care of the catch, space that would hold fish and ice. I felt like I was on a mission that began years ago as I yearned to tuna fish but didn't want to pay $600.... There are charters for about $400 that I just learned about this year... I paid about $300 for a 3 day with Dave McGowan about 18 years ago..

Anyhoo, the mission was rekindled this year, because I turned 50! LOL This was entirely a birthday gift to myself. To learn, to conquer( at least for that one day!)

When the sun was coming down just above eye level, I took a breathe, while fighting a fish of course, I tried to relax and just take it all in, the sun, breeze, reflection/shimmering off of the water, the fish on the end of my line fighting a battle that it wouldn't win, I knew this was the last trip for me this year, depending on work next year, it might be a couple years before I get out again for tuna in WA, I tried to just enjoy it all, that lasted about 3 minutes then it was time to gaff, bleed and rebait! Back in mission mode that fast! LOL Yeah, I'm not a lot of fun to fish with! LOL Just ask Nate! LOL my daughters, my better half... LOL I hope that in part, at least, answers your question Quad.
10/17/2013 6:13:00 AM
Do the tuna you catch carry eggs?
10/17/2013 10:45:00 AM
A kindred spirit! Fishing alone in situations that challenge. Nothin' better. They used to call me crazy for kayak fishing halibut and grouper, now they make a show out of it! I'm 8 years ahead, and the challenges just keep coming. Lead on brother! Enjoyed the report, and all the memories it kicked up. Thanks.
10/17/2013 11:31:00 PM
These are young fish Ralph, I didn't notice any eggs... They spawn over in the Western Pacific somewhere. 15-30 pounds each here, most of them are in the 20ish pound range.
FC>> Yes, solo trips are pretty rewarding. Younger, back packing in solo 13 miles to bag a buck near Glacier Peak, was just what I did. Now, it's solo about 3 miles. LOL It still feels like 13 miles! LOL Hunting, I'm down to every other year or so. I'm due next year. Right On FC!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709