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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report


46° - 50°
Bait Only

Crabbing and a Show

Well it was a slow day for keepers for the 3 of us in our group crabbing, we were there from 7-130 (the entire incoming tide and slack) we managed 2 keepers, i am sure we put back about 150+ undersize crabs. we didnt see ANY large females which i thought was odd. As for the rest of the peir we saw 4 other keepers while we were there. It amazes me how many people show up and have no clue there is a size minimum for crab, one guy was asking where do you get the gauges i just gave him one of mine but what killed me were this group of asians that showed up with all new gear, thought everycrab was keeper, i confronted them right away, then once that was clear there were baseball throwing the crabs off the pier, Once again i had to let them know you cant do that. but luckily the ranger drove down the hill and before you know it ALL OF THEM are gone.

The wind picked up big time at high tide, we watched a few boats attempt and eventually pull there boats back out of the water after being pounded by the waves and the pier. People really need to account for weather when launching at places like this, it amazed how many people go out, Hopefully the coastguard chopper got who ever they were rushing out to save, i have never seen one move so fast or low.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709