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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


Chinook Salmon

Went fishing with some friends today out in area 9 today. I heard that Useless Bay had some fish hanging around from the guys at Johns sporting goods in Everett. I tried plugs coho killers in cookies and cream, red racer, squid skirts of assorted colors, herring strips and a cut plug herring. Tried for crabs in Useless Bay with no luck then moved them to possession and got 3. Trolled the west side of possession with no luck either. We marked fish and saw one caught in Useless Bay. Also saw some dolphin swimming around possession. I rated it a 2 because we did catch some shakers and if I was fishing in a lake for kokanee those would have been some nice keepers. I don't know but I guess they're not really in yet. I have never fished out in the salt this late.


11/10/2013 8:45:00 AM
Thats winter fishing, lots of shakers. Its tough to find a keeper sometimes
11/10/2013 9:51:00 AM
The just didnt want what we had to offer. We launched in Everett and if you do watch out for commercial crab pots there right out in the channel between the jetty and the navy pier. Theres many all threw out but that area was the worse.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709