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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 2 Westport - Ocean Shores Report


51° - 55°
Power Bait
Mostly Sunny
All Day

What an interesting trip.

The bad---didn't come home with a single fish. Had 4 hookups total. 2 at night fishing the finger jetties by the marina, and 2 the next day (Sunday)...but didn't get any of them on the rocks. One of them at night was VERY heavy, but I don't think it was a ling because it was just dead weight. I don't think it was a sea star either because I've caught those before and this was way heavier than any sea star I've ever brought in. I'm thinking maybe it was on octopus or something, but either way, it got into the rocks by my feet and I couldn't get it out...broke me off on the rocks.

The good---met up with The Quadfather. Super nice guy and I would fish with him again any day. He did catch one good size Black Sea Bass (Black Rockfish). Probably 3-4 lbs. Good job Chris! Another guy from my work also joined us and he caught a juvenile Cabezon (released). Weather and swells were good (although there was a 9 foot tidal shift so that made for some interesting currents in between slack tides). And I learned even more to hopefully increase my odds of success next time out there. I went with heavier (and lighter) jigs this time. Mainly 1.5, 2 and 3 oz jigs. I like that you have more control in the heavier currents...but you can't let it touch the rocks for more than a second because it's game over at that point. I also threw some 1/4 oz jig heads with smaller grubs (maybe 2 inches) and got a hookup on that (probably a sea bass). But what do I know? I didn't bring anything into the net. Ha ha...

I can't say it was totally our fault...nobody else was having much luck either. Saw a few small bass caught and a keeper size Cabezon. Saw one boat hit a ling about 30 yards out from the finger jetties...but all in all, it was pretty dead as far as fishing goes. Talked with an old timer and he said it's unusually slow for this time of year. So before you spend too much gas money going over there, maybe wait a few weeks and let it heat up a bit. By May it should be prime time.

The ugly---got to witness firsthand just how dangerous ocean and jetty fishing can be. These guys in a Boston Whaler type boat were trying to work the edge of the jetty, and they either had engine trouble, or they just weren't aware how close to the surface those boulders are (they are lurking right below the surface as you get close to the jetty), and sure enough as waves went out, they got beached on a boulder. They couldn't get off and the incoming waves were crashing them into the rocks and their boat started tipping from side to side. It got completely sideways at one point and I thought it was going to capsize for sure. They had to jump ship onto the jetty. I called 911 and the dispatcher said other calls were coming in as well. The Coast Guard tore across the harbor in what I think was a Cutter, but it was a pretty big boat and that thing hauled butt across the harbor! I was impressed with how fast it could go. So they pulled the boat off the rocks, and then about 15 minutes later a Coast Guard rescue chopper comes and hovers over the harbor. They then positioned themselves over the jetty and lowered a rescue diver down onto the rocks followed by the basket and loaded one of the guys from the boat onto the basket and airlifted him off the jetty. Never did hear how bad the guy was injured, but it was obviously bad enough that he couldn't get himself off the jetty. It was crazy. I have some brief video, but it didn't come out as good as I hoped. It was crazy. It was like something you see on those TV rescue shows.

And...I learned that I'm never hiking out toward the end of the jetty again. The further out you get, the more sketchy those boulders get. I felt like I was a mountain climber. Having to crawl over sections and plan out your next 3 steps in advance. There are some good spots out there, but it's not worth the trouble (in my opinion) of getting out there and back. I could happily stick to the first half of the jetty and be just fine with that. If you aren't in decent shape, or your balance isn't good, don't go out on the second half of the jetty!

I'll probably give it another month or so before I go back out there. The action should heat up by late April or early May.



Mike Carey
3/24/2014 11:12:00 AM
Harrowing story. When we filmed last year's video that was exactly what I was worried about. Better believe I kept my motor running at all times. Even so, pretty scary from a boat getting too close. Ditto on those rocks. A twisted ankle or gashed knee cap would be so easy to have happen.
3/24/2014 12:37:00 PM
Sounds crazy! Thanks for sharing.
3/24/2014 2:00:00 PM
Here is a link to the story, along with Coast Guard video of the basket rescue from the Jayhawk helicopter. http://coastguardnews.com/coast-guard-assists-boaters-who-ran-aground-near-grays-harbor-in-westport-wash/2014/03/24/
The Quadfather
3/24/2014 9:57:00 PM
Yes, I can't echo Mizim 05's words enough.
The Sea Bass I caught was maybe 50% of the way out there. No need to risk anything going all that way out there.
Even half way, it is a precarious position you put yourself in.
That being said... It was quite an adventure!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709