The Quadfather
5/13/2014 7:34:00 AMNothing that you can identify as anything at all. If it is possible, maybe re-load the vid?
So, when you hook up a 1/3 chunk of dogfish, and toss it out.... have you typically had success for salmon sharks, or whatever larger shark you are targeting? To me this is a recipe for having nothing but crab eating your bait on the bottom. (That isn't a jab, I am just really curious) I would have thought maybe slow trolling a large chunk of meat like that, and keeping it off the bottom/crabs.

Kaptain King
5/13/2014 8:31:00 AM
5/13/2014 5:43:00 PMYoutubes editing sofware gave it that odd pixilation, i fixed it but still its hard to make out the shark. At a more obviously stand point it's an 8 foot shark on a rod an reel at the bottom of the peir in the dead of night an were trying to land the shark safely with a total of three guys recording isn't the easiest of tasks but your welcome to join and record next time bud(: As for the success with salmon sharks we personally have had a couple extremely powerful fish (Assumming their fish) Take the dogfish and run steady , and fight more like a salmon shark and less of a Sixgill, more of a predatory shark but we didn't get any of those fish on top to deliver a positive ID. Other friends have told stories of catching smaller salmon sharks out there though. We don't have boats to accomplish that idea but the crabs and other bait fish i assume help attract the sharks plus there aint no shortage of dogfish so that isn't really a problem.
@Kaptain King
Thanks, and it gets best after midnight but there's a ton of theories that go along with it just like any fishing.

5/13/2014 5:49:00 PM