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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 2 Westport - Ocean Shores Report


61° - 65°
Bait Only

Third skunk in a row. I swear the redtailed surfperch just aren't there! I started fishing around 8:00 a.m. which was over an hour into the incoming tide and stayed at it until after 11:00 a.m. I used frozen shrimp and gulp. There were some little fish, I mean 2" more or less, hanging around and I got some of them to nibble on the gulp but that was it.

I did see some kind of fry swimming around in the shallows. They looked like just more of the little black flakes until I noticed that one group of little black flakes were moving together and in a different direction than the background flakes. They couldn't have been over 1/4" long but they were definitely swimming. And I also saw lots of small fish hiding in the sand in the shallow surf wash. They'd take off as I approached and leave a trail of stirred up sand. Maybe little sand dabs or baby flounder? I never got a solid look to be sure. I'm thinking I may have to invest in a cast net just to find out what I'm walking on.

Great day in the sun and surf. Wore myself out, beat myself up, got to play with my toys, and made my Spaniel Ringo one of the happiest dogs in WA. Glad I went but no fish.



5/27/2014 7:26:00 PM
Sorry to hear that jm. Where exactly are you fishing? Are you on or near the Westport jetty? Was anyone else around you catching fish? I'm just curious because I fished just south of Westport, near Tokeland, only a few weeks ago and had a bit of action. Oh well, sounds like you made the best of the situation!
5/27/2014 7:38:00 PM
I've fished South of Westport, Just North of the Ocean Shores jetty, and this was up at Roosevelt beach. I'm using tactics that worked well just a couple years ago and not even getting a single hit.
5/28/2014 3:24:00 PM
What were you using for bait? A lot of people over look this aspect of Surf Perch fishing. When using a double hook rig, with two different baits you will be surprised to see a preference as to which bait the fish took. Also I give every spot about 15 minutes, recasting every 5. First cast chucking the bait as far as i can into the surf, one medium, and one short. If no fish or bites, move 50 yards up or down the beach and keep moving until you find the fish. Surf Perch can be a frustrating fish, however when you find a school it can be lights out and oh so much fun. Keep it up! You'll find those fish.
5/28/2014 3:49:00 PM
I was using shrimp and gulp sandworms. Gulp has worked very well for me in the past. As for moving, I covered a fair piece of beach but am limited in how far and how fast I can move.

I haven't been fishing down there in a couple of years but prior to that even when I got skunked I NEVER had a day where I didn't even get a strike! This is kind of eerie.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709