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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report



Coho Salmon
Mostly Sunny

Launched out of Everett in the fog at about 7am after waiting in line at the boat launch which was backed up all the way to Marine View Drive. Started trolling from Mukilteo and trolled south with one rod set at 40' and one set at 60'. One rod was setup using a purple haze flasher, purple haze hoochie with a purple haze Ace Fly Hi insert, and other was setup with a Luhr Jensen Double glow flasher with a green splatter back Ace Hi Fly Needlefish. Both rods had the hooks tipped with herring chunks (tried strips, but chunks have produced just as good for us). After a while with no hookups, we did a bait check (had seaweed on hooks) then sent both lines back down to 60 and 50 where most marks were. We start marking a real thick pile of fish on the fish finder, and soon after both lines pop and we have our first double of the season. I get mine to the boat first, and my daughter nets the fish which is a small 3lb hatchery buck. I rush to get the fish out of the net and get it out just in time to land my brothers fish which was a 5lb hatchery buck. After that we loop back around and hit the same spot again with no luck then try a few other spots also with no other luck. We noticed the shipwreck area was real dead with pretty much no marks on the fish finder. Most of the marks we saw were south of the wreck or in the middle of the channel (north of wreck) where we had the double. We gave up around 12. The fish checker said avg was 2/boat so far. I took a pic of the fish finder right before we got that double, but the depth reads wrong in the deep water. I need to see if I can fix that problem, otherwise I'll be ditching the Garmin and looking into a Lowrance.


9/27/2014 8:43:00 PM
Wow that graph is crazy full of coho. All we ever saw on the graph were maybe up to 5 fish at a time. Looks like your graph is picking up the cannon ball for depth. How fast were you running. I have been told if you see your cannon balls on the graph you are going to slow. I run a hds7 from Lowrance . I still have a little trouble at times with reading the bottom in deep salt water. If I'm less than 350 it shows depth pretty good but not out in mid channel by the ship wreck. It just show blank but doesn't matter to me because all I look at is the top 120 feet of water and it show fish well. We also noticed the the fish seemed to move farther south as the tide went out.
9/27/2014 9:25:00 PM
Most fish finders will only read to 500 feet deep in perfect conditions. There are many factors that will make conditions less than perfect. For me, I am lucky if it reads the depth up to 300 feet out there. Luckily, we don't need to find the bottom, we just need to find the coho, and they will not be that deep. No need to shell out hundreds of dollars just to read the bottom depth. I do similar to what the above poster said, and set my screen to show just the top 100 feet of water, which is just right for locating coho.
9/27/2014 9:31:00 PM
Great report. Congrats on getting a couple and cool shot of the FF.
9/27/2014 10:46:00 PM
Thanks guys. I was about to try and move my transducer, but i guess ill just leave it alone. We were trolling at 3.0 most of the time. My brother thought my fishfinder was showing bogus readings right before we got the double. They were real thick south of the wreck too but we kept getting fouled up with seaweed there.
9/28/2014 12:15:00 PM
They stack up at Picnic Pt sometimes just south of the point where the water goes from 150 feet down to 300. I've had graphs like that at times there. But that spot can get a lot of grass and the furbags like to hang out there. I lost two fish last year there and my bud lost one last week there in his boat.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709