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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report


56° - 60°
Coho Salmon
51° - 55°

Fished from Mukilteo to Shipwreck and back this morning. Got three on the boat. One was a nice nine pounder. Other was six and a half and the third was four. Had trouble with seals last weekend. Stole a nice one at the boat. Got two then on the boat and lost five last weekend. Having the best luck right around seven am the last three weekends at about 50 feet down. Green speckled Apex and a green flasher. My Silver Horde Ace Highs just don't seem to be pulling them in, but then maybe there just aren't loads of fish out there yet. Trolling around 2 miles per hour seems to work best for me. However as I pointed out, it hasn't been really dynamite for me this year yet. Was hoping the fishing was a bit better so the freezer is stocked as deer hunting is looming and there goes two weeks of my fishing time. Didn't see a lot of nets moving today, but I did leave early today. Was off the water at eleven. Chores.......Ugh! Still it was a nice day and no skunk!


10/4/2015 7:42:00 PM
I couldnt keep the shakers off the ace hi fly's today. I ran out of herring strips due to all the shakers. I did release 2 blackmouth on the blue splatterback needlefish though. Got skunked otherwise.
10/5/2015 11:40:00 AM
We did well last week at the east side of Possession, limited 2 rods on Tues and Wed and 3 fish on Thurs. I didn't make it out this weekend but my buddy did on the east side and he released three nice Blackmouth but no Silvers at all. Thanks for the report I'm going to try it tomorrow between Mulk and the Wreck. There was a lot of seals around last week.
10/5/2015 4:17:00 PM
I got 1 blackmouth at the bait box and one off eastaide of the bar. Wonder if all those fish have moved north towards mukilteo.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709