6/19/2016 2:19:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Woke up this morning at 4am to catch the first ferry out of Edmonds so I could be in Port Angeles by 7am. We my morning began trying to wake up a 6 year old boy and get him ready to hit the road. We actually made good time so on the war to the ferry I stopped at the donut shop to et us a morning snack. The donuts were still warm when he handed me the bag with 6 glazed of their best of the rack, I also asked for donuts holes and they were not ready yet. So off to the ferry we go coffee, milk and the family in the truck. My son is very quiet in the back seat because he has more donut than milk in his mouth. We leave the dock on time because the ferry has about 30 cars. We get to port Angeles around 710 so I hooked the boat up and visit my buddy and his wife for a few before we set off to the boat launch, 20 minutes later I arrive at the launch and out the family goes down to the water leaving me to ge the boat ready for launch. Low tide is at 8am so the water was so flat calm, off we go so we can fish the low tide and the slack tide after because I know the halibut bite much better on the low tide. We get to the spot in Canada that I wanted to fish, first rod ready and down it goes, second rod ready and down it goes. So I say to my son and wife watch the poles while I get my client pliers out of my halibut bag and as soon as I reach in that bag my rod begin to scream and the wife goes hey hey your rod. Fish on and the fight begins, so I hand the rod to her. This is their first time halibut fishing so I want my wife to feel the pain of bringing a ball and fish from 250 ft down, well that didn't last long and I was doing the fighting, my son being a backseat driver, you see him yet, so I just laugh and continued to reel. First halibut trip and first fish what more could you ask for
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service