Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Got to Redondo at 6 am and saw 2 trailers dropping water from them. So as we start to go to the launch I decide to find out if there is any parking. Well there wasn't,(thanks to stellar j taking up 3/4 of the lot for pier and road work)so we decide to go to Alki area to launch. Before leaving we did see 2 guys whip around us and promptly hit the launch. I let them know there wasn't any parking around. We left 15 minutes later ,while the guy was still looking for a parking spot. Finally at 8 am we were leaving the launch at Don armini and headed south we threw out a couple traps,and decided to troll. I used a silver horde spoon in silver uv . My partner used a blue and silver super bait with herring oil. Leaders were 4 ft. And we both used silver flashers. My drag started ever so slowly clicking around 10:30. Didn't click but 5 or 6 times with 1 click each time in about a 40 second period , then nothing more. At about 1120 I notice my partners rod do its thing. He didn't believe me so the minute discussion of ; I don't think there is a fish, and yes there is a fish happened . When he finally held it still he responded with a ;"yeah there is something, I don't know what , but there is something ". I remind him we both got to get our downrigger balls up. I get mine up first,but my line is messed up ( and I was reeling the whole time). Well he got a 16 to 18 inch chinook, then he says you got a fish too. I call malarkey, but I had about a 12 inch salmon, both were released in good health, and left in the water, after that nothing but seaweed so at 130 we called it and left . Oh yeah ,I was at 120' he was at 150'.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service