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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 5 Sekiu and Pillar Point Report


61° - 65°
Chinook Salmon
Mostly Sunny
Bait Only

This is a two day report, Thursday the 4th, we left the dock at 0515 and headed east. Just As we were rounding slip point the fog bank consumed us, there was as much visibility as a photography dark room, but solid white. Needless to say, but we had to take our time and watch depth and compass heading so we could figure out where we were going. It took longer than we wanted, but we made it safely. We began trolling herring with the ebb tide. Due to the fog we were able to keep the baits shallow. The first fish turned out to be the only keeper, a beautiful 14 lb King. Downrigger was at 35. We were marking tons of bait and fish. As the fog started to lift we dropped deeper, one side 55 other 70 and we stayed in the 120-140 depth range. We ended up hooking 7 more kings in the 8-14 pound range, but they were all wild. Just to keep us busy In between the big bites, the shakers would play along. We got off the water at noon.
Friday the 5th, left the docks at 615 and started trolling west along the caves. No fog today which made navagating much easier. Bite was slower, but we managed two hatchery kings 8-10lbs. Rigger depth was 52 and 67 in the same depth range. Only a couple shakers. Had to be off the water by 10 so I could make that drive back to Tacoma.
All in all it was a great trip with good friends and some fish thrown in The mix. On a side note, it was sad to see how decisions made by the fishery folks can affect a whole town. All the businesses are obviously struggling due to the short season and no coho retention. It's too bad, there are a lot of good people there. I will be heading back next week to fish in the WWP fishing tournament put on by the town of Sekiu. Can't wait!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709