3/19/2008 11:04:00 PM
3/20/2008 1:45:00 AM
Gringo Pescador
3/20/2008 9:55:00 AMNice pics, and I agree the view is awesome!
The WDFD does not exist (well that is not exactly true - there is the "Wood Dale Fire Department").
If you are talking about the WDFW, as far as I know, they do not make a habit of putting up "OPEN" and "CLOSED" signs at every river and lake in the state.
Instead each year the WDFW publishes a book called "Fishing in Washington Sport Fishing Rules" and in it are all of the rules for all bodies of water that are managed by the WDFW... including Chambers Creek
And the best part, It’s free!! And usually available where ever fishing tackle is sold. It is also online and you can find it right at the top of this page, just click on "LINKS", then click on that 1st link there called "2007-2008 Sport Fishing Rule Pamphlet" and viola! In fact, it is so easy; I'll just do it for you...
On page 40, in that book it states:
CHAMBERS CREEK (Pierce Co.) (714)
ALL SPECIES - night closure and non-buoyant lure restriction.
All Game Fish July 1-Nov. 15 Statewide min. size/daily limit.
(Pierce Co.) downstream of markers
400' below the Boise-Cascade Dam
(near West Tacoma Mill) to Burlington-Northern railroad bridge (714)
ALL SPECIES - night closure and non-buoyant lure restriction.
Marine Area 13 rules apply downstream of Burlington-Northern railroad bridge.
TROUT July 1-Nov. 15 Min. size 14". Daily limit 2.
Other Game Fish July 1-Nov. 15 Statewide min. size/daily limit.
SALMON July 1-Nov. 15 Min. size 12". Daily limit 6. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release
Now please correct me if I am wrong, but nowhere in there does it say, in March you can fish "in the creek part.like wayyyy up in the creek like a few miles" as long as it is only for 10 minutes, you are "gentel" with the fish and you " catch and release allways".
And since I would hate for you to get a "ticcet" I will also let you know that the WDFW sometimes checks out this site - and if any of them read your report they will now know you are going to be up there this week clearing trails with a fishing pole, so if it a slow day, one of them might decide to join you.
And I'm no expert, but I don't think your "key bord" is as messed up as you think.

3/20/2008 12:32:00 PMNot to take sides in the debate but the quoted portion of the pamphlet seems to indicate that the season only applies to game fish. So presumably, if he were fishing for something other than game fish he'd be okay. I don't know how an enforcement officer would make the call and suspect they'd probably just write a ticket and let the person fight it in court, so your advice should heeded. Just my two cents worth and I agree, if his "key bord" is messed up, it's not lonely.

3/20/2008 4:36:00 PM
12/19/2009 6:16:00 PM