8/3/2008 12:42:00 AM
8/3/2008 12:30:00 PMWhen a non-buoyant lure restriction is in
effect, anglers fishing with a non-buoyant
lure (one that sinks in freshwater) may only
use a lure that is equipped with one singlepoint
hook measuring ¾“ or less from point to
When using a buoyant lure (one that floats
in freshwater) in an area with a non-buoyant
lure restriction, hooks must be attached to, or
below, but within 3" of the floating lure. (No
hook may be tied above the lure.) Weights
may not be attached below or less than 12"
above a buoyant lure. The single-point hook
restriction does not apply to a buoyant lure.

8/3/2008 12:45:00 PM