6/1/2009 5:19:00 PM
6/1/2009 6:39:00 PMThe largest fish in the pics would push to be 31". I also use the bones skin and guts in the garden for fertalizer. TY Tuck (I don't know what btw means) but thank you and Lucius but I see now why people don't like to post reports and pics on here.

6/1/2009 7:36:00 PM
6/1/2009 9:58:00 PMPlease keep posting and showing your catch. Their are many of us who keep part of our catch to fill the freezer as well.
(Nothing wrong with that). It also helps to thin out the over population of the pike taking over some of our lakes. :-)
I'm hoping to bring my kids up to the Pend Orielle River to catch their first Pike and these posting help me plan out the trips.
I look forward to seeing more from you this fishing season.
Good fishing