6/29/2009 1:12:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Spent the weekend on the river, launched at sandy shores. Fished all morning on sat, caught two LM and one SM bass. Fished again that evening and picked up another LM and a pike (22"). Finally fished this morning and added a couple more little bass. All of the bass were pretty small like the one in the pic of my friend Derricks first LM! (between 1-2 lbs). Used spinner baits (all colors) mainly and tried a couple rubbers that didn't produce This was not a normal fishing experience for me at p river, normally we catch alot more and alot bigger, oh well next time we'll get em. Craziest thing this weekend was the MOTHS! It looked like a horror movie in the evenings, there were thousands of newly hatched moths over every, and I mean EVERY tree around. I have been going up there all my life and may have missed the hatches before but this was eerie. Eventually most of them made there way down to the river by dark, all we could see was this weird grey haze (the moths) over the water. We were hoping to drop a light and try to catch some catfish but thought it best to wait til another day, YES WE WERE AFRAID OF MOTHS!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service