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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skagit River Report
Skagit County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Pink Salmon

Great humpy fishing again today on the Skagit. I don't know why some people don't want to eat them - grilled our catch yesterday, and they were delicious!

My son and I caught and landed 4 pinks - 3 males and a female. We also caught 3 more, but didn't land them - should have used a net, because these fish often get off the hook about 2 feet from shore. They are fast and strong.

I think we have it down to a science now. To catch fish, show up early - the park opens at 5:30AM, and the bite is on until about 11:00AM. Use lively shrimp, red sharp hooks, a winged bobber, preferably dark green with dark pink, and heavy weights. We used 2.5 oz, but the folks next too us did better with 5 oz weights.

The weird thing is that the humpies don't bite hard. In fact, I caught 2 trout and 1 dolly vardon (about 5 inches each, and yes, released without coming out of the water) and they struck harder than my 8 pound humpy. So, when you feel a tiny bite, time to set the hook. Then stand back and get ready for a huge fight. My son's fish danced on his tail, went left and right 10 times in a 30 yard race.

Having grilled pinks tonight, and hope to see some of you out on the river tomorrow. This is an odd year and 5 million pinks are migrating. You can't miss.


8/27/2009 7:20:00 PM
sounds like a great day! 8 lbs pink? do you have pics of it? i didnt know the big ones were in yet. what side of the sand bar were you? the north or the south end near the bridge? i hope to get out there soon!!!
8/27/2009 9:28:00 PM
i was there this morning and landed 2 pinks in 10 minutes..
8/27/2009 10:31:00 PM
8 pounds is definatly a bit generous... it faught like it was 20 pounds but was only a 3-4 inches bigger than the average fish being caught there. Still had to go at least 5... We were by the skagit river park.
8/28/2009 7:01:00 AM
Hey Fishermom,

I agree that they are great eating. Great to hear you are doing well on the river and having fun with your son. The last three days out in the salt have been amazing and today (Friday) I will smoke another 4 fish to enjoy through the New Year. I put 4 - 10 oz fillets aside for grilling throughout the weekend. I am amazed how great these fish taste. My buddy cooked up a silver and a pink side by side on the BBQ grill following Tuesday's trip and he said the pink was fantastic and the silver was dry. That may be a cooking issue as far as heat or cooking method is concerned, but these pinks are great table fare without question. I occasionally read a post from a member slamming pink salmon or commenting that they never keep pinks, and I think to myself, what ? Anyway, nice report. Keep up the good catching work. And don't forget a net next time out. :)

On a side note: Yesterday one of my limit was a 6.2 pound pink (buck) and he fought like a king salmon. I was surprised to see it was a pink. He will smoke up very nice. I'll bet your big fish was in the same weight range.
8/28/2009 7:37:00 AM
I have never had any issues with my pinks. Always tasted good, smoked, grilled, baked.... it doesnt matter.
8/29/2009 12:32:00 PM
ya pinks are tasty anyway you prep them.
Keep your eyes out there are silvers in the mix as well. We got one the other day and a buddy of mine got 2 in Sedro last week.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709