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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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East Fork Lewis River Report
Clark County, WA


Drift Fishing
Chinook Salmon
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait
All Day

Place Fished: E. Fork Lewis River
Accommodations and Contact Information: Erik’s Guided Adventures 360-513-2331
Date(s): 9/19/09
Weather Conditions: AM Rain/PM Mostly Sunny
Wind: Light
Ambient Temp: 72F
Water Clarity: Good

Location Fished: Met Erik at 6am at the AM/PM in Woodland (Exit 21). Fished the E. Fork of the Lewis River (Swirly Hole, Meat Hole and slower water lower along Hwy 503)

Lure Type: 4” Candlefish for Silvers (used on occasion)

Bait Used: Sand Shrimp w/ Eggs

Method: Hover drifting through holes

Depth: 16’ to 32’ avg.

Catch Record: 12ea 20-25# Native Kings (released); 2ea 10-12# Coho (1 released/1 kept); 1ea 55# (approx) Native King (released)

Additional Notes:
This was ironically one of those trips that was one of the best I’ve ever been on, but where we came home w/ virtually nothing for the freezer! This was my wife’s 1st time salmon fishing…so I wanted her to feel what it was like to catch some of these brutes. Well…not only did she catch the most fish, she also caught the first, the last, the only keeper and the BIGGEST that went approx 55#! She had the time of her life and I’ll tell you she was determined to bring that fish in by herself. And what a battle it was…it dragged her through the hole at least 4 times, under 5 or 6 boats, a guy had to cut his line and we removed 6-8 other lines in the battle. But she never gave up!
All but 1 fish were natives, so they were all released unharmed to carry on. I tell you…I will never forget this trip…neither will my wife!
(Having issues posting pictures...will try to get them up soon)


9/24/2009 10:46:00 AM
Wow, thats crazy. I'd love to see those pics.
9/24/2009 10:47:00 AM
Awesome Mav!! and Awesome for you Wifey!! I will be down in Clark county this weekend and was thinking of hitting up the N.Lewis..
9/24/2009 11:46:00 AM
oh man you have to get those pics posted
9/24/2009 11:48:00 AM
Good to hear that there are still some native hog fish in that system. Way to go!
Gringo Pescador
9/24/2009 12:57:00 PM
Nice fish! (saw them in your blog pics) Man, it'll be hard to get excited about trout after that huh?!?
9/24/2009 2:23:00 PM
I looked at your blog photo, too. What a fish! That is a life time catch! What is your wife's name? We need to tell her great job...
9/24/2009 2:24:00 PM
wow! great pic too!
9/24/2009 3:40:00 PM
Thanks to all for your kind words...Jolie's been on cloud nine since then! She DEFINITELY reminds me just how BIG it was!! lol
I know what you mean Gringo...it wasn't too long ago she was collecting prizes and $$ from her first ever WL.com Derby ('Wonder Trout Woman'...and you didn't think I knew!! haha)...Sheeez!
I tell you, I could not have been more proud of her as it was landed. -Mav
9/24/2009 7:29:00 PM
Holy Pig. I didn't know rivers had that big of fish. Thanks for giving me hope, I did dream of catching something that big, now I know it can be done. Good job on the wife wanting to DIH(erself).
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709