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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Klickitat River Report
Klickitat County, WA


Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs

got out on the klickitat with my buddy Brian and a few of his buddies who know the river well and they all were bouncing eggs and i started out with spinners. it took about 2 hours for the fish to come in then we started to get a fish about every 15 to 20 minutes. between all of us we took home 5 bucks and 9 hens. me and brian got the biggest between 20-24 pounds. the bouncing eggs and eggs under a bobber did the best but we did get a couple on spinners and a maribu jig tiped with a pink worm. it was lots of fun. and saw lots of deer and turkeys too.


11/24/2009 8:44:00 PM
are you saying you caught coho between 20 and 24 lbs?
11/25/2009 9:17:00 AM
get real its steelhead think man think
Jake Dogfish
11/25/2009 11:06:00 AM
The report says he was targeting coho and he did not say what he caught.
11/26/2009 11:07:00 AM
I guess that is one way to out fish someone, just make up a nice "fish story", and storys don't need to be specific. Thanks for the nice story.
11/26/2009 11:08:00 AM
Ooops forgot to ask you if you got one of the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner?
11/27/2009 5:07:00 PM
i didn't shoot my turkey but i did get one from the store though thanks for asking. as great as you think you are king there is always someone better to bad its a younger person too. all the fish that were caught were all silvers. let me get my girlfriend to show me how to put the pictures up and i can put up the picture of my fish.
11/27/2009 9:52:00 PM
Show me anywhere on this forum where I said I was better than anyone else, sounds like it was you that said that, damn you are really lame-o. First time out and you guys catch 14 silvers, that is amazing, and some of them were around 20-24#s, wow, what a great fish tale. Damn you are lame-0. Get a real report please. NO MORE HOAX PLEASE!!!!!!!.
11/27/2009 10:41:00 PM
If your going to post garbage go to "gamefishin.com." Thats where your report belong at.
11/29/2009 4:40:00 AM
haha king you can say what you want alls i know i have not lied on any of my reports i got lots of witnesses to my reports too. its to bad you don't like but it doesn't bother me one bit thought. and i think its funny that were goating each other like this we should meet up and fish sometime. unless you really want to be a prick about everything.
11/29/2009 5:06:00 PM
I just want to say something here. Kingfisher, it is not inconceivable that dylanE his friend Brian and a "few" of his buddies caught 14 fish between them. Also it is entirely possible to catch 20 to 24 pounds Coho out of the Klickitat. For that matter it is entirely possible in almost every stream in the state.. I would like to state that right above the box where you leave a comment here on this site it says "That being said, we do not appreciate negative or threatening comments posted anywhere on our site. If you have something negative to say, please keep it to yourself or you might find your account deleted and your IP banned." Now I am not going to say that you said anything bad but you were approaching that direction where you might just be better off keeping your thoughts to yourself.
I myself have fished the Klickitat and have been very productive as are most other rivers in the state. It has been said that 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish. Apparently dylanE is part of that 10%. He was just passing some information along the best he knew he could because he thought somebody like you might be inspired to try someplace new or tuck away some information that may be helpful in some way. I appreciate the fact he did that. It took me back down to the Klickitat and reminded me of good times there.
Without saying anything negative towards you I wish you happy smiles fishing the lower Nisqually and the Barrier Dam on the Cowlitz.
11/29/2009 8:40:00 PM
Hey steelyhead, your right I shouldn't of been so quick to judge his something sound fishy story. I guess if he gets a big ego for dreaming up a big fish tale, and he's a better fisherman than everyone else, yeah let him enjoy his fish porn. Sorry dylame-o for judging you and I apologize on behalf of the other 90% that also doubted you. You are that 10%. Hope someday to meet you at the Klic Klic Klic Klic oh whatever that river you fished at. Now I'm going to dream about that "tight lines."
12/1/2009 3:31:00 PM
haha king i think your funny man. we should get together and go fishing any friday saturday or sunday i wouldn't mind fishing with you, and proving to you that i don't bs on my posts. ill travel all over most of southwest washington
12/1/2009 5:00:00 PM
I have to warn you dylanE, kinghunter is the worst netter in the world, the worst. And make sure you yell, "Fish on!!" really really loud, he tends to not hear you and will continue to fish if you have a fish on..
12/4/2009 6:13:00 PM
Jens now your are a big J-LAME-O, you should be thankful I even help you net. You don't even offer, instead you just keep trying to fish. J-LAME-O does rhyme pretty well. Hey, dylanE. I don't have a problem fishing with anyone and especially learning from others since Jens and I just really started late last year for rivers. Jens been used to catching those minnow trouts and bass, and got him hooked on the river. We welcome the chance to fish with anyone out there. I have heard the Cow has been picking with with steelheads, so we might be out there. Will let you know. Or you let us know.
12/5/2009 1:45:00 PM
okay that sounds cool. i 've been fishing rivers since i was like 4 but im talking just throw bait out then run around with a bb gun and waste 6 hours and get 1 fish every now and then. i really started focusing on fishing the last 2 to 3 years and now i don't plunk or really use bait that much at all. its my goal to just catch all my winter fish on a bobber and jig or spinners. my home river the north fork of the lewis is starting to pick up and our rod designer Josh has been telling me that salmon creek is suppose to be getting good and he even tells me that in a few weeks they average a fish per person. i know that tomorrow morning im going out to salmon creek at daylight to check it out it sounds really fun. if you guys would like ill let you know where and how going and you guys tell me where you are going and one of these days we ought to meet up and do some fishing. especially if it snows
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709