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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Lichtenwasser Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



Hello once again to all my fellow fisherman. As summer time nears and I anticipate the melting of mountain snow and the thaw of my favorite Alpine lakes I remembered some Important Info I needed to pass along to you. On about my 5th hike to Lichtenwasser Lake using the fisherman's trail that I found from using this fine website. I finally decided to try to make it around the whole lake. When I got to the north end of the lake I ran into some old timers. They told me many interesting facts about the lake. From the early 1960's up until about 7 years ago only a small few knew about how to reach the lake and they kept it a secret. Eventually the group grew older had children, grandchildren and met and made new friends and invited them along to share in their secret special place. One of the old timers even told me they had on the lake shore a thirty person wedding including a priest and children.Somewere along the way one of these newly trusted friends wrote a hiking book and included details on how to reach the lake. The secret was out. The old timers told of how people started coming that first year and the steady increase since. They told me of two fellows two years back who had built a camp fire during the height of the fire season. There was a ban on camp fires and they let them know. The two men said the had it under control and for them not to worry. About an hour later one of the pine trees caught fire 20 feet up and they couldn't get it to go out .one of the old timers hiked out and called the forestry service and they landed a chopper on the lake and put out the smoldering pine. In my conversation I proudly told them how I had found the directions to the lake from this fine website and how I almost didn't find my way to the lake but had noticed orange tags hanging in the trees and had luckily decided to follow them. I also shared with them how I was a catch and release fishermen and that I remove two of the three hooks from my lure as not too harm the fish. I thanked them for the Knowledge shared and I then went upon my way. About a week later I returned to find the orange tags that had once marked the last 1/4 mile of the hike had been removed. But It was too late. I had already been there 5 times and made it to the lake no problems. So the whole point to this long story is mainly this: my previous instructions no longer work. So if you find yourselves 1 mile and a 1000 feet up a mountain without a  trail, don't say I didn't warn you. Release It C.J.
Cracker Jack Keep it clean  


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709