1/2/2010 5:43:00 PM
1/2/2010 6:56:00 PMI heard the fish were upriver with these rains. You should have went to the campground like I told you.

1/2/2010 7:34:00 PM
1/2/2010 7:40:00 PM
1/3/2010 5:52:00 PMPooh - No voices in my head, just desperation to have a feel of that jerk on the other end of my fishing line. I have to tell you it did feel good for that few minutes. Yes please get me on some steely please, before I really start to hear Jens voice " hahaha no steely for kinghunter", then I might start snapping someone's line.
Jens - Nice of you to keep rubbing it in about your 2nd steely, I guess when the river is stacked full of steelys, it wouldn't be much of an effort to catch them. Nice job anyway. The Nasty is done, unless we can figure out a way to get rid of those sea lions, I think actually there is more than 2 of them, the whole family are in the river. I guess if I really want to catch something I could go to Bagachiel or Forks, but man that is like 3-4 hours drive. Now my focus is on spending some quality time with my kids, you should do likewise.
Toni - Thanks for understanding.
TT08 - Where is he? Is he still at Port Ludlow?
GP: What have you been up to?
BS: Any more luck at the 116th?
Ok thanks everyone for understanding, and wish you guys all the luck this year. Happy SNAPPY LINES!!!!!

1/4/2010 2:19:00 PM
1/5/2010 7:03:00 PM