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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bogachiel River Report
Clallam County, WA


Drift Fishing
Corky & Yarn
All Day

First let me say thanks to Don and Ron for taking me out there with them.

Went to the boggy for some steelhead action yesterday. Woke up around 4am and met my ride at home depot at 5am. Got to the river around 745 am had my hole picked out and line in the water by 815. It was less then ideal conditions. Raining, water was murky and a littel high. Started throwing my line and after about 15 cast with nothing I moved down stream to a better looking hole. First cast BAM, (man I missed the steelie feel) he takes it and start jumping like crazy. Then he turns and runs down stream, he starts to get to where the bend in the river is with lots of brush and there was not way I was going to be able to walk down to the that point in the river with how high and fast it was. So i had to put a littel pressure on the line and walk to as far as I could. get about 20 yds down river and stop and try to fight him. that lasted about 3 seconds and snap. Damn leader broke. SO was on the river for about 30 minutes and had one fish hooked up.

So I Go back to the same spot and about 5 cast later another hit and 5 seconds later that one spits out the hook. Spent about another 3 hours out on the irver was cold and wet and I dropped my cell phone in the river. We called it a day and went in to Forks and and had lunch. gettign ready to leave the burger joint and I realize that I took my keys out of my coat and set them on the bumper of the truck when I was taking my waders and what not off.

So we go back down to the river and look for them, found them and saw people with fish walking out. So we decided to fish the litle pier over look the river and inlet to the spawning stream. had multiple hookups and a few fouled hooked metal heads. They were all stacked up right along the bank waiting to get into the spawning stream. Was only able to bring in one fish to the bank. He was nice and chrome. Out of the three of us, only one fish was taken home. I tried to give to our driver but he wouldn't take it.

Both Don and Ron had a few hookups but none were landed.


By the end of the day I was soaked, looked like I went swimming with all my clotes on. Cell phone in the river (oh and it works today) and got one fish. Was a great day on the river for sure.


1/5/2010 11:34:00 PM
How many people were in that stretch?
1/6/2010 1:51:00 AM
what brand of phone did you have, I gotta get me one
1/6/2010 5:28:00 AM
jacob, if you are talking about the first area we fished then there were two people up stream form us and two down. With lots of space between each other

sirfishalot, the phone is a Samsunge but found out last night the the # key doesn't work. everything else still owks on it. So still amzed that it works at all.
1/6/2010 12:55:00 PM
Thanks for the report, sounds like it was a good time!!
1/6/2010 4:13:00 PM
I can vouch that me Ronman and Scott had an incredible day of fishing out there. WE ARE GOING BACK SOON SCOTT! Yeah I found those keys in where? The bumper! LOL! But it prompted us to get back in there and fish till we were soaked and the last ones leaving - again! Scott's fish was nice and chrome. He hooked at least 5 and brought home that one. There was a group driving home to Bellingham, what a drive I'm sure that was, but they limited so it was good. We all lost lots of gear that day. But can't wait to go back. Scott you are a trooper, getting down in that water and mud like you did. Good to go man!
1/6/2010 4:15:00 PM
We also ran into WL Member - Crandall. Good to meet you. Wish we could've conversed a little longer but I think we were all concentrating on the steel.
1/6/2010 8:05:00 PM
Thanks for the report!
1/7/2010 4:40:00 PM
Thanks for the report! One of these days, will have to make the trip to that area. I always hear Great fishing stories. Retired couple phones myself to the river. Started placing it in a zip lock bag while using a blue tooth. Great Job on the catch!
1/8/2010 11:41:00 AM
I also enjoyed the day at the river. We did get a little wet but we are in Washington in January, kinda goes with the territory. This was my second trip to the Bogie and I did hook up but could not get the fish landed. We were using Aero drifters and corkies, eggs seemed a bit useless that day. Color did not seem to matter a whole lot once you got it in front of the fish. I am still learing to use the level wind reel and new rod my family gave me for Christmas. It was pretty exciting seeing the rod bend and the line get tight, now that I have figured out the reel the next fish is destined for the smoker to BBQ pit.
Company that day was great, Scott and Don were fun to hang out with. Donman, maybe next time we can limit out early and finally take the Twilight tour. By the way, your map is still in the truck, I will get that to you soon. Until then, Tight lines.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709