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Pilchuck River Report
Snohomish County, WA



I heard a few fish were caught yesterday near Machias. Supposedly, the Machias area is the only place on the river that has steelhead. I had every intention of being on the water at the crack of dawn but since it was pretty cold this morning I rolled out of bed at 8:30.

I drove by the few spots I had scouted last week and most of the parking was taken up. Kept going down the road and got permission to cross some private property that other anglers use frequently. I decided to keep looking and drove down towards Snohomish and found a nice hole near the Centennial Trial.

After a few casts, I pulled in an 8” cutthroat (he must have been really hungry). About 10 minutes later something hit my rod with a little more “oomph”. I saw mine line zip downstream and then towards the far shore. It was pulling hard so I lightened up the drag and played him for bit. It took out line a few times and jumped once and I decided to end the game. It was a 22” native and my first steelhead. I couldn’t help but smile as he swam away.


1/21/2010 5:32:00 PM
Nicely done splitshot! It's kinda painful when they get away like that, but at least you had a little fun with him first! I had one do that to me on the puyallup not too long ago! At least you got some action. Good luck out there and nice report.
1/21/2010 5:49:00 PM
"Get away"!?
I let him go. I just forgot my camera...

What a rush...
1/21/2010 6:45:00 PM
Good Fishing! Congrads on the catch. Thanks for the report!!!
Big Mike
1/21/2010 11:34:00 PM
I've caught(and released) a native steelhead with a spoon on the Pilchuck several years ago. man, they hit like a freight train ! and using the currant they will take you down river fast. nice job and nice report. It pays to scout around a bit.
1/22/2010 4:57:00 PM
Thanks for the well wishes.
I just read another report from a guy that waded a 2mile stretch of the Pilchuck yesterday. That's pretty ambitious!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709