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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Lewis River Report
Cowlitz County, WA



Drift Fishing
All Day

Bigsmooth and JFkies, you left about 20 miinutes early. I almost had this report rated a 1. Almost..... (:

"Since2" and myself arrived on the river around 4:30am. We had company. I did a quick glance at my honey hole and noticed it was occupied. The bank had 3 guys already going thru the motions of glowballing. The flicker of a flash. The headlights. Anyways, I'll skip to the action.

Not much happening all morning. A local banked a gorgeous hen right before daylight glowballing and another local banked a chromer using bobber and jig right when daylight came. Since2 and myself set up our gear and claimed a nice section of the drift. About half an hour of fishing my bobber is tugged under and I begin a battle that ends in defeat one minute after I set the hook. Really?? I went thru a lot of mental battles all day. I wanted to pack it up and call it quits and go all in when the Springers start showing. I was done. I was frustrated. The action was slow up and down the river. No one was catching anything. At one point I found myself racing bobbers with other guys with different bobbers on the drift.

The turning point in this trip was the guy fishing in my honey hole waving for me to come over. After small chit chat and I noticing him using something I have no faith in, he hands me his rod and tells me to try it out. I am sorry for not saying what he was using because to him, it isn't a manly color and doesn't want anyone to know he was fishing with it. I cast out with this thing and this technique reminded me of dropshotting. Anyways, I catch a fish. Woo hoo!

My second fish was about 5 minutes later. I really had a small time window because the local had 2 of his buddies come over and they all were going to plunk. I was using the same spoon that I was using over the weekend and had all the faith in the world I was going to get bit. Sure enough, a gorgeous chromer slams my hardware and immediately peels line and bends my rod. I said several prayers to Baby Jesus to let me have this fish. I will admit when I was landing this fish I grew 2 left feet and clumsily fell into the river. I was ok. Getting my limit made up for the laughter that I was hearing. Ha ha.

I would have liked to have written better success for the other members who fished here today, but I think I have an advantage. "It's not what you know, but who you know."
Until next time...


1/24/2010 9:01:00 AM
Keep up the good work. Both in catching and reporting. If I can't get fish or go at least I enjoy reading about it.
1/24/2010 9:07:00 AM
Great Report!
I haven't been reading reports out of my area but that is obviously a mistake.
1/24/2010 10:19:00 AM
"It's not what you know, but who you know."...this can be true, but soon they become one. Nice fish Jens!
Jacob Tieszen
1/24/2010 10:51:00 AM
1/24/2010 11:25:00 AM
always helps when you can fish where the fish are. good job nice fish and great report.
1/24/2010 5:56:00 PM
Maybe you should of smiled more while you were casting earlier, that might of helped you (just referring your previous SA advice). Either way it is nice to be able to fish where the fish are holding, makes it alot easier doesn't it. Nice report bud, those are beautiful looking fish.
1/24/2010 8:16:00 PM
Right on! That is a great story. Nice fish too. LOL.
1/24/2010 8:43:00 PM
WooHoo! Nice fish! Do you write novels for a living? If you don't, you should!
1/25/2010 12:01:00 PM
Nice job bro! You just had to limit out didn't ya. Loved the story though. Not a manly color... Last time I checked, pink wasn't too manly of a color and I use the heck out of it. Anywho, keep up the good reports and good luck out there. TIGHT LINES!
Big Smooth
1/25/2010 5:10:00 PM
(*@^(*^$)(@$^)(@%^!)*(^!@)!!!! That being said. Good job man... I'm putting you on a pedestal.
Your a freak of nature for sure. Until next time.
1/26/2010 8:37:00 PM
I was the guy smoking a cig on the side when you caught those fish. Why did you have to go and donkey punch that second one for?
1/27/2010 12:04:00 AM
nice fish jens hit me up when you go fishing i still have that gas money when we carpooled i just forgot to get cash back will have it next time
1/28/2010 8:57:00 PM
Hey buddy, do you think you could teach me how to catch fish like you? I'll dondey punch you in return
2/8/2010 4:39:00 PM
You smell like pickles.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709