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Blue Creek Report
Lewis County, WA



Drift Fishing

FINALLY!!!!! Got my first steelhead ever over at Blue Creek. Started fishing around 8 am and was not having much success just below the boat launch. Saw alot of boats with not much action also. So I moved further down river, and saw 3 older anglers fishing and they were hooking up almost 1 every 5 casts. Of couse I tried to copy their set up and they were nice to help me out and NADA for me. Around noonish I believe Jared came down and started fishing and after 3rd cast he had fish on, fought it for a few minutes and had it close to the bank and wouldn't you know fish off. I was getting really frustrated, all four had hook ups and seen 5 fish landed, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME is what I'm thinking. The 3 older anglers left around 3pm and one of them offer their fish and I took it, worrying that I might get skunked again. About 1/ 2 hour later, I'm getting desperate again, so I took that fish and hooked him on my line and started playing with him to feel that jerk. Oh about 10 minutes later I landed him, didn't fight much, more like reeling in a large branch. I cleaned him up and back on the stringer. I started fishing with Jared again and I'm just thinking what a skunky day it is, fishing all day and not one bite. Wouldn't you know it, I felt my rod take a slight jerk, not the normal bottom bouncing jerk, and so I gave it a tug and then it jerked again and I'm thinking to myself " what the hell is that" and then I hear Jared screaming " you got fish on" and then it daunt on me, what the hell, I have fish on, I couldn't believe it. I think I was in a state of shock and Jared was really excited for me since it was my first steelhead. He help net my fish and help take pic of my first STEELHEAD. What a feeling, all that feeling of emptiness was gone and I'm glad Jared was there to help celebrate my first. Jens was suppose to be there, but he decided to bail and head out to BD. What a friend he is. Thanks Jared for you help man. I hope you finally did catch some after I left, boy those fish were heavy. I did head out to the BD and saw Jens there, but didn't talk to him since I wanted to fish at the Dam and not much action there except. I must of caught about 10 of those minature hatchery salmons, boy they were biting the hell out of anything you give them. I didn't see any springers caught, but Jens said he caught 2 steelhead there just below the dam, I thought steelhead didn't come up to the BD.


4/1/2010 7:19:00 PM
Congrats very nice first steely. I caught my first a couple months ago great feeling!!!!!!!
4/1/2010 7:24:00 PM
What is that smell? Oh, that's kinghunters cherry getting popped! Well done my friend. I was above the boat launch at BlueCreek where I got not 2 but 3!! muah. I have yet to catch one with a corky/yarn though. Ok, did you soak your yarn in pickle juice?
4/1/2010 7:46:00 PM
Ok wait a second, after reading your report again you write, "I took that fish and hooked him on my line and started playing with him to feel that jerk.."
4/1/2010 8:06:00 PM
4/1/2010 8:10:00 PM
LOL - great story. Way to go!
4/1/2010 8:21:00 PM
Jens why are you such a JERK, don't make fun of the pickle juice man. I soaked my yarn in tuna fish oil with a dab of tabasco sauce, that's my secret. Some fish like pickle juice and some like hot tuna fish oil. It's not nice to make fun of people here. Don't be a J-Lame-O. Hey is Jay Leno still on? Damn your famous.
4/2/2010 12:10:00 AM
Great looking fish. All the hard work paid off. Jens is rubbing off on you!
Big Smooth
4/2/2010 8:48:00 AM
Get out of here! Must of used a net... wait that wouldn't work for you :) j/k
Nice fish brotha!
4/3/2010 4:10:00 PM
Hey, congrats kinghunter! You and jens argue like an old married couple (lol)! Nice fish bro! Keep it up!
4/3/2010 7:51:00 PM
That's what happen when he wears the dress, he can't stop b$%#@&*!.
4/3/2010 8:51:00 PM
kinghunter started it.
4/4/2010 6:12:00 PM
Kinghunter or Jens... Where's the Blue Creek Area? We're looking at going down and weren't sure where it's located.

4/5/2010 10:25:00 AM
Blue Creek Trout Hatchery : From I-5 at exit 68, intersection of highway 12, go east about 8 miles turn south on Brim Rd, & 3 miles to Spencer Rd. about 3/4 of a mile & left on the Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Rd., follow to the public access & hatchery complex.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709