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Nisqually River Report
Thurston County, WA


Chinook Salmon
Corky & Yarn

well this was the first time i ever came to the nisqually because i heard that there has been lots of fish and still lots of kings in the system......and well.......this will be the last time i ever go there. I have never been so upset in my entire life fishing EVER. i started to fish and it seemed like a nice strectch of river to be fishing, i started to cast my line and i hear jet boats start barreling down the river and i thought you could not have motor boats......welll you can if you a Native American, these natives came rip roarin as if they could give a rats about anyone, they ran over my line and the guys line next to me, ripped off the line from our pole and threw there nets right in front of me and took about 150 kings, they went throught the area 3 times and got less and less fish each time, they would slap the water with a huge stick and scare the living hell out of the fish into thier nets.....what a joke show. scaring the fish. we need to put tighter regulations on them. I could not belive the lack of respect they had for bank fishers. I will Never Never be back to that river after watching the lack of respect the natives had for that river. I left after 30 minutes of being there and watching that and drove the hour and half back home to lynnwood....


9/13/2010 7:33:00 PM
you should have got more info before you drove down because it really is a great fishery but the natives have to have their chance also after all its their hatchery but when they are not netting its on. my best day is about 30 chinook on eggs and divers and or bobbers
9/13/2010 7:57:00 PM
yeah the indians do own the hatchery.... maybe they should shut down the river from the bridge on mounts to the for a couple days .every other week?. kinda like the puyallup? seeing as the nisqually is generally a pretty small river most of the year and the amount of anglers, i think it would make sense.. would save guys from having bad outtings like this maybe.
9/13/2010 9:31:00 PM
The natives piss me off sometimes. And I'm native. But that's not the way that it should be done. I really don't like fishing with 'em. It's like that on the Chehalis where I used to live too.
Bob R
9/14/2010 5:34:00 AM
The Nisqually tribe has only been fishing 3 days a week this year, if you can't go to the river on wed., thurs., fri., or sat. don't go. This river was shot for salmon in the 80's due to total crap management by the state, and since the tribe was given half the fish(and almost all hatchery control) the run is healthier then it has been for 40 years. I know tribal fishermen that have had rocks thrown at them and obscene things said.in the last week. If you can't respect the fact that they are workingn to feed ther families less then half the week then you don't know how to share. Stay home while they are netting or stay out of their way, if it isn't old time locals perpetuating their racist tripe it's recent transplants from other parts of the country who have no sense of respect for those who were here first! If it wasn't for them there wouldn't be fish left for you to catch.The days they are on the river has been shortened to 3 days a week this year, if more than half the week isn't enough for you than you really are selfish(or maybe envious and racist! )
9/14/2010 11:05:00 AM
Sorry you had a bad taste in your mouth fishing here. If you spend some time exploring the river on non- netting days, you can find solitude and get away from the masses. I get along with Tribal and respect what they do. I will report most of the fish that are being taken are starting to turn. I checked out some of the fish that Tribal had retrieved and seen 1 Silver and like I said, most fish were definitely not Chromers comin homers.
Thanks for the report.
9/14/2010 1:59:00 PM
i completely agree. i mean sure they help the run and "its their lively hood," but if everyone is going to preach racial equality why is it okay that they get to go out and display wanton disregard for natural resources? I just dont see how their whole lively hood can be in netting salmon, tabaco, and in casinos. why cant they just make a living in an honest matter like everyone else does. I'm just saying that judge boldt was about 100 years behind, they're not homeless and dont live in long houses any more they're just like everyone else except they get to rape the ecosystem. I'm not saying this about every native, because that would be ignorant and prejudice; how ever, any feelings i have about the tribes comes from the fact that when it comes to rivers and hunting the system is not fair and equitable. I personally think all the money the government gives them is enough pay back for taking their land, so i dont think this guy is being racist at all.

Just my two cents.
Bob R
9/14/2010 2:36:00 PM
Your "two cents " just prove your comments are as racially insensitive as the original poster.If you think the majority of native americans makes their living off casinos, tobacco and govt. handouts you are racially misinformed and most of your comments sound like THEY are 100 years behind the times. JUST SAYIN'!Bob R.
9/15/2010 8:16:00 AM
First off Rob B. im not racist. I am frusturated that the natives get to harass the fish like that, and run over our fishing lines, and the lack of respect they had for the sport. and you mentioned that they are fishing for thier families.....i get that. but can and does a family of 4 really need a 100 fish every 3 days? because thats a hell of a lot of fish to be eating. you also mentioned that we are racist for thinking the natives make a majority of the living of casions and fishing....did you know that i am extremely good friends with native people. my dads best friend is a natve....its disgusting how much money they make off the casinos, and i bet you did not know that in washington state, yours and my tax dollars go to all the native kids and they get 800 dollars a month since birth to live off of, and if they graduate highschool the state (our tax dollars) gives them and 18,000 dollar incentive to graduate highschool. so explain to me why they need all those fish again? and another comment.....my dads best friend being a native....he told us that most of the time when the net, they bring the fish back and the fillet about half of them out, and just let the other half rot and go to waste......this is coming from the mouth of a native.....guess where all your cat food comes from? the rotton fish that you and i could of caught and ejoyed with our families. Im not racist, and im not incensitive, i was just frusturated to witness what i witnessed. there is my "two cents"
Bob R
9/15/2010 9:48:00 AM
First of all, you ARE a racist, when you make blanket statements like"Why can't they make an honest living like everyone else?" That's about as racist as it gets. They are legally entitled to net fish,for you to say this is not an honest living is an ugly LIE! I've heard garbage statements like "My best friend is a native and he agrees with me" along with" These people are just sponges off the system" is what racists have been saying about blacks, jews,and other people they wish to denegrate for centuries now. As far as me saying "they are feeding their families", they are. by selling the fish they catch. They only have 3 or 4 weeks to sell THEIR fish. I saw 3200 lbs. loaded and brought to buyers just last week, all fish were iced, NOT rotten, NONE were filletted.I witnissed sport fishermen two days ago running over linesof sporties without slowing down or warningthem in that same river.Ifyou can't figure out to reel in your line when you here a boat coming(you can hear them a 1/4 mile away!)you don't have much fish sense.You are just a serious racist with problems I can't even begin to address, anytime you want to run these insulting comments about the people who live next to us all and who were here first let me know! I'd be more than happy to introduce you to some natives who do NOT fit the stereotypes that you continue to jam down others throats,we find your comments not only insensitive, but downright ugly and hateful.Get a clue, the real enemy here is outmoded thinking that the natives are fishermen's enemies, the state screws over more salmon and sport fishermen then the natives could in a century! if you were here 100 years ago you'ed be killing these people in their sleep! Hopefully thinking like yours will become a thing of the past, some folks NEVER learn from hstory. Blaming others because of your lack of insight into a fishery you had never been to before (and know NOTHING about ) is beyond pathetic, it's moronic Bob R
9/15/2010 11:14:00 AM
It is their right to fish the Nisqually just like any other river, but I do disagree with the fact that they have been loosely regulated over the past 10 years and the attitude toward and lack of respect for those who abid by the rules and do everything in their power to attempt to maintain touch with their roots. I myself herald from native blood and have fished with some very conservative natives throughout my life. Many modern natives have lost touch with their roots. Last year I witnessed a native harvest and they took around 200 chinook, half of which were native chinook. When they pulled to the bank, fish and game came over took the count and didn't say a single thing about the native fish, but they are all over anyone who pulls a native fish out on a line. The natives I fish with take only what they need, they only use approved nets and take care to release the native fish to preserve to population. I hate this attitude of entitlement and lack of respect of those who are doing everything to do right by them, it sets a very poor example and defeats everything that every advocate has fought for for the last 100 years.
9/15/2010 11:22:00 AM
It is their right to fish the Nisqually just like any other river, but I do disagree with the fact that they have been loosely regulated over the past 10 years and the attitude toward and lack of respect for those who abid by the rules and do everything in their power to attempt to maintain touch with their roots. I myself herald from native blood and have fished with some very conservative natives throughout my life. Many modern natives have lost touch with their roots. Last year I witnessed a native harvest and they took around 200 chinook, half of which were native chinook. When they pulled to the bank, fish and game came over took the count and didn't say a single thing about the native fish, but they are all over anyone who pulls a native fish out on a line. The natives I fish with take only what they need, they only use approved nets and take care to release the native fish to preserve to population. I hate this attitude of entitlement and lack of respect of those who are doing everything to do right by them, it sets a very poor example and defeats everything that every advocate has fought for for the last 100 years.
9/15/2010 11:32:00 AM
Lol ok ok I could of reeled in my line. You got me there. But I'm still not a racist. Haha looks like I struck a nerve.
Bob R
9/15/2010 12:01:00 PM
To Davidhood, yes ALL cultures have those who have a sense of respect and those that don't,however disrespectful minorities in both camps do not justify us tolerating the vilification of whole cultures on public forums .Your comments show actual insight, I don't believe that the Nisqually king runs has been this sucessful for at least the 30 years I've lived here,from the amount of fish I've seen taken by both tribal and sporties this year the run is going gangbusters so I tend to disagree with the thought that waste and tribal mismanagement has been prevalent on this fishery. But the orig. comments by the 2 posters with blatent comments branding whole cultures as dishonest and sponges off our system is just something that none of us has to stomach It's obvious from the orig. poster's last comments that he gets a kick (or at least a "Ha,Ha") out of insensitive, hateful remarks. Is this what this forum comes down to?People using it to prepetuate racist beliefs when they are frustrated by their lack of ability to catch fish? I'm done answering the racist issue as these folks obviously are here to get their rocks off with hateful garbage.Can we say trolling?(bu tnot in a fishing sense.LOL) Thanks again for insight, Davidhood. BobR
9/15/2010 1:45:00 PM
I agree that this years runs have been better than in previous years. I think that may have something to do with the economy and the local population. In the last 7 years the Nisqually basin's population was short right around 25,000 people a year because of the deployments out of JBLM. I believe that provided a lull in the sport harvest and provided the fish population with a chance to increase dramatically. And with the economy the way it has been lately, not a lot of people have been able to afford to get out and fish. The economy has had an impact on the commercial side as well. The commercial guys haven't been able to afford the cost of re supply, which results in a drop in harvest. BobR: What I sense in this thread is a lack of understanding of the local practices on the Nisqually and frustration from a series of poor outings during the season. I agree with what you are saying; to a certain degree. TO BOTH PARTES; I do not believe or agree with using a public forum to call out someone in the manner in which has been done is appropriate. Using the PM system provided or simply reminding the poster that this is a place to share their fishing experience not their personal opinions could have been more beneficial to all. I am not taking a side on this, but merely pointing out that this could have been handled differently so that everyone could benefit and enjoy the site.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709