9/22/2010 3:00:00 PMAlso curious if the eggs were from me. I haven't fished the eggs yet for salmon so not sure how effective or defective they are LOL. They worked great on trout. If you run low and will be heading back to the Green/Duw this weekend, I should be able to drop off another bag if you want (assuming I can get out there). I'm gonna have to figure out a better way to store them in the freezer to avoid freezer burn or else get out fishing more. Bought a used freezer on Craigslist and darn thing runs all the time so too cold. You will have to show me how to fish that hole though :-) Nice job keeping the reports coming! Makes the workweek go by faster!

9/22/2010 4:16:00 PM
9/22/2010 4:26:00 PMMy wife was attacked by a rabid dog many years ago. She still has physical scars and is scared of almost all dogs now. All the shots she went thru after they found out the dog was rabid was certainly not fun either. Just my two cents. Thanx.

9/22/2010 6:31:00 PM
9/22/2010 9:49:00 PM
9/23/2010 12:48:00 AM
9/23/2010 2:52:00 AM
Gringo Pescador
9/23/2010 7:21:00 AM
9/23/2010 9:58:00 AM
9/23/2010 10:27:00 AMI know on the Duw at least nate has hooked fish and I have no reason to doubt his stories. Semantics at play may be part of the perspective problem by using word 'catching' when maybe it is only hooking for nate in this instance. But he did cut the line on the king to let it go and the apparent nice silver broke him off. Does that mean he didn't catch either? Nate also mentioned how he was unsure of if it was king/silver and even asked someone else. So at the least I would give him the courtesy of maybe not being able to telll the difference. I personally look at the lower jaw/gum color to tell (black or white).
Don't feel like you come across as a jerk. You are just stating your opinion, but also don't think of those coming to nate's defense as jerks either ;-) He's a good guy and does a great job describing his fishing ventures.
My two cents. Hopefully we all get jerks on the end ofthe rods and soon. Randle is absolutely right on it being a very slow year especially for coho.

9/23/2010 11:11:00 AM
9/23/2010 2:08:00 PM
9/23/2010 2:26:00 PM
9/23/2010 2:33:00 PM
9/23/2010 2:37:00 PM
9/23/2010 2:47:00 PM
9/23/2010 4:00:00 PM"Folks, just to ease your minds rabies causes severe hydrophobia. So since they are really scared of water you will most likely never encounter a rabid dog/animal while in the river. If you are out of the river and encounter a rabid animal, the best bet is to get into the water"
I may just convert my wife to salmon fishing yet once I tell her this LOL! She had the rabies scare in her younger years with a rabid dog. This is great news for me ;-) Thanx for the info.

9/23/2010 4:59:00 PM
9/23/2010 7:44:00 PM
Mike Carey
9/25/2010 4:00:00 PM