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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Blue Creek Report
Lewis County, WA



Drift Fishing
All Day

So I have yet to land a decent size coho this year from my local rivers. (Nisqually,Puyallup) And honestly that was my goal this year; to fill up the catch card this bunch of ho's. I have two on there and they were both jacks. Sad.
After a month or so of trying and putting in my time, me and two of my buddies decided to just head out to the infamous Blue creek and try to get on some steelhead action. We got to river pretty early for some glow balling. (4AMish) We had no hits or anything until maybe 8ish. That was when I landed our first steelhead of the morning. (Pictured below) The buck was pushing maybe 8lbs at most. (Not so great with eyeballing fish-weight.) I put him on the string and begin fishing. Right as I cast my buddy J's Loomis bent and I immediately hear those two favorite words. FISH ON! I quickly retrieve my line and grab the net. After maybe 4 minutes of some pretty air born leaps, the hook magically pops off and there he goes. Sucks. But right back in the water we go and was dead til for the next three hours. It was til 2ish when I get my next hit and FISH ON! Man it was the longest 3 hours so I decided to baby this sucker. This steelhead was pissed. He ran me down to my last 20 or so yards of my 8lb Maxima til I finally had control of him. As I looked down to my buddy for the net I see that his neck is bent over and I hear some weird noise from him. This dude is knocked out! I yell and yell with not a response. Boy was I mad. Saw a flyfisherman walking down and he offered to net the fish for me and I happily agreed. Couple more leaps and he's in the net. This one was maybe 10lbs but had the attitude and strength of bigger steelhead that i've caught before. As I was carding the fish, my other buddy J has a fish on after just walking back from the car. 10 minutes of battle and she's in. 7-8lb hen. What a beauty. This is my first post ever and i've always been on here. So sorry if my words are a bit off, i'm awful when it comes to writing. Thanks everyone for reading and now onto pics! Tight lines!


9/27/2010 1:51:00 AM
Great first report.
Gringo Pescador
9/27/2010 7:16:00 AM
Nice outing! Great report! Welcome to the site!
9/27/2010 7:41:00 AM
Awesome! That's great to hear, you found fish, and a stranger helped net the fish. Did your buddy wake up or did you just leave him there? LOL
bob johansen
9/27/2010 8:22:00 AM
Nice fish -- And, nice looking smoked steelie. I haven't fished there for a few years but on my first trip there I nailed a nice 14 pounder during very high water conditions.
9/27/2010 8:48:00 AM
Nice fish, cool story. Was your friend asleep and that is why he passed out or did he hit his head on something? If sleeping, I think a splash of cold river water from your boot would have shocked him back into reality!! LOL. Since the " Cheech N Chong WAAAAAK UUUUUPPPP " yell didn't do it. Glad the fly guy came through for ya.
9/27/2010 8:57:00 AM
Great narrative Bones! Your description of a day of fishing sounds so typical abeit you came a way with FISH! More coffee next time for J. The photos are great. Pictures do tell a thousand words...
Thanks again for the post, it gives us all hope.
9/27/2010 11:30:00 AM
Took you long enough to join lurker..
Hit me up and I'll get you dialed in on the Nisq..
9/27/2010 1:43:00 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments. It was a great day of fishing; not to mention it was 70+ degrees. I was burnt! As for sleepy SAM, he will be designated photographer since that was what he was good for on this trip. And jens, haha. Sorry man I did take nearly a century huh? I'll get at you once I get my hands on an actual PC. Thanks again everyone for the comments, I'll be sure to post again this Friday. Tight lines!
9/27/2010 2:12:00 PM
those are some gorgeous fish, good work :)
9/27/2010 8:48:00 PM
Thanks for the report bone,nice looking steelies now i have a good reasons to head down to blue creek
9/27/2010 8:55:00 PM
Great report! I'm lookin' forward to more from you in the future. Welcome
9/27/2010 9:15:00 PM
Thanks again guys. There's plenty of fish to be had, i can't lie about that. You just gotta know how to work em. I'll be there friday evening if anyone goes give me a hoot. Til then, FISH ON! =)
9/28/2010 9:40:00 PM
you and j got into them i see ahahaha nice fish bro
its jr btw
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709