10/17/2010 10:42:00 PM
10/18/2010 9:10:00 AMAnytime I am near the holes at the bridge, I see quite a few people just killin' 'em. The unfortunate part is they drag out way, way more than their limit(s). Specifically, when they're catching the larger fish. Not supposed to keep more than one over 12". Mind you, I don't run over to them and measure them, but you can easily tell a 13" fish from a 10" fish at 50 meters. Surprisingly, I don't do well with the hatchery fish. The natives seem to appreciate my flies...but the plants sure don't. Oh, well...it's all fun and games, and I don't need many fish for the grill.
One thing I will say about the Tilton. Even though it's a put and take fishery, there are lots of natives and I have a blast trying to figure out where they might be hiding and what they'll hit on. I have been fly fishing on and off for a couple years now, and this river seems to be a good one for me to learn on and refine my techniques.