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Tilton River Report
Lewis County, WA



Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Sinking/Floating Fly Line
All Day

Decided to hit up the Tilton again. Arrived and was in the water right around 8:30. I wanted to try experimenting with nymphs and streamers on a sink tip in a few holes. Tried a beadhead pheasant tail, gold-ribbed hairs ear, peeking caddis, and eventually a wooly bugger. Didn't get any strikes in any of the holes, strikes were few and far between swinging them through riffles. Did hook and land a couple rainbows, and what appears to be a brown swinging a #16 peeking caddis...but not much else happening.

I did accidently snag a boot king on a wooly bugger. The damn thing didn't even know it was hooked until I put a little pressure on it, then it went bonkers. Once I released the pressure it just kinda sat there. I only had my 5wt rod with a 6x leader trimmed down to about 5' long. Was rather surprised it didn't break off right away.

I couldn't get the hook to pop out and everytime I put pressure on him to break the line...it started heading down stream and rolling. Did finally get the hook to pop without destroying my gear...but was an interesting couple of minutes.

Fished...or at least practiced casting until 6:00.


10/24/2010 7:58:00 AM
That fish does have the spots of a Brown. But, it also appears to have the red under jaw of a Cutthroat. Good lookin' fish regardless. I also spend a lot of time practicing when trying to catch fish. LOL Thanks for the report.
Can some one with species identification knowledge comment on this fish?
10/24/2010 9:09:00 AM
thats a coastal cuthroat, albeit a very heavily spotted one, but a cuthroat not a brown
10/24/2010 9:16:00 AM
It's a hybrid cutthroat/rainbow trout. "CuttBow" They display variable color and markings, representing a range of shared
characteristics from rainbow and cutthroat trout. Lots of dark spots on the tail and body plus a red /orange slash under the head...
Nice fish!!
10/24/2010 10:50:00 AM
The little patch of red on it's chin is blood. Not sure from what, because the hook was buried pretty deep in it's lower lip right in front. The only trout species I've caught have been rainbows...I was pleasantly surprised to see something different.
10/24/2010 11:14:00 AM
Whether this fish is a Brown, Cutthroat, or Cutbow it was released relatively unharmed, minus a bloody lip. It was out of the water for no more than 30-45 seconds to pose for a photo. Should I have taken it out to get a snapshot...probably not, however it is what it is, and I can't take it back. When I put the fish back, I made an attempt to let it rest in slow current before sending it on its way...but he had other ideas and took off like a bat out of hell, which leads me to believe he was still feeling rather froggy and most likely would not have any lasting effects, other than a fear of hooks.
10/24/2010 9:43:00 PM
Pretty little leopard fish there :-) Talk about spots! That salmon musta had you sweating a little bit with your 5 wt. Would be awful tough to turn a big fish that decided to trpedo straight down river. Wise of you to let up on the tension to prevent it from screaming away one way or the other. Although landing it would have been quite a story to tell too.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709