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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon
All Day

Hit the stilly hard today. The water was high with low visibility. I wasn't sure if it was worth it to drift boat the river today. With my doubts at first and almost calling it quits after drifting for a few minutes I decided to head down to the point of no return. A boat that previously drifted caught two silvers just below us and that gave us hope of catching fish. I toss my spinner and nibble nibble....a 20plus pound silver buck comes surfacing up and i'm yelling at my partner get the net!!! The silver was ready to net but too late it started to get pissed off and shook it's head a dozen times, did the coho roll and after a nervous 5 minutes we land this 20 pound monster into the boat check out the picture. My biggest coho in my life time. Next hole above I5 bridge in a back eddy this silver hit my spinner so hard it was like a lightning bold hitting my arm and shoulder. It surfaced and it was bright chrome. It fought 3 times harder than the 20lb silver previously. The chromer swam over my partners line and i'm yelling "cut your line!!" he's like NOO I don't wan't to lose my spinner. I'm screaming cut the freaking line!!!...He cuts it and saves my fish from breaking off....after a last nose dive beneath my boat we netted it and got my limit for the day. I also fought a 10 pound chum and i got to say pound for pound they are the hardest fighting salmon no doubt. My drag was screaming for a few minutes fighting the dog. All in all for a day that started out crummy turned out to be an amazing day fishing. I use to drift corky and yarn for silvers but i'm turning into a hardware purist. There is nothing like inticing a silver to slam your lure. We saw a fair number of silvers heading up the stilly but alot of them were locked jaw. We worked hard today to catch our fish. Two bites two silvers and one foul hooked chum.


10/30/2010 7:16:00 AM
great fish,nice report,thank you.
10/30/2010 8:56:00 AM
great job!! huge silver. I too have been turning from corky to hardware.. prior to season I had stocked myself up real good on corkys and I have only used them a few times. what kind of spinner are you using? I have had the best luck with dick nites but have gone through a ton of vibraxs.
10/30/2010 11:08:00 AM
Goodtimesfishing-yeah I stocked myself with alot of corkies and spent hours pre-tying my leaders and ended up not using them. I find that fishing for silvers it changes everyday and your lure size and color also need to change for the conditions. For the day that I was fishing the water was really murky and so a number 5 bright red spinner worked. They couldn't see or bight anything smaller so dick nites and smaller spinners didn't get any hits that day. Although other days when the water had good visibility dick nites slammed them as well as number 3 and 4 sized spinners. Colors that piss them off the most I find are flame orange and red as well as green/orange.
10/30/2010 4:27:00 PM
They hit those spinner like the kid that knows it's the first day of summer and the ice cream truck is only gonna come once! But you gotta work to get 'em to want it. It's like catching those big native steelhead, only a lot harder. I personally like spinner fishing more, but can't do it all the time on account of how much they charge for those suckers. I
10/30/2010 5:54:00 PM
Hey man, I was the guy that talked to you just after you cleaned that smaller silver. Didn't know you were on here too. Funny. Again a couple of nice fish. I tried up by silvana after I talked to you with no takers.
Rob G.
11/3/2010 12:55:00 PM
Well done!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709