10/30/2010 5:58:00 PM
10/30/2010 9:27:00 PMI walked part of the Green around Hwy 18, I may put up a li'l report on all that. Didn't fish.
LOL I personally don't eat the darker fish (I will smoke firetruck buck coho though) but my wife makes good use of them. No chastizing headed your way ;-) BEFORE I met my wife I would let all kinds of colored fish go. Just difft lifestyle now and the fish get almost completely eaten (head and all) so I'm happy to keep 'em these days.
Thanx for the report, nice to see your 'fishing' muscles got as much workout today as they have all season!... Get U into shape for steelhead.

10/30/2010 11:15:00 PM
10/31/2010 2:32:00 PM
10/31/2010 2:37:00 PM
10/31/2010 2:59:00 PMbut I also found this link too - http://www.piscatorialpursuits.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/629398/Chum_Foo.html
where a game warden says this "I would like to reply to Wayne Kruse's article regarding Chum/Coho fishing. I am the local game warden who works the Stilly system. I can guarantee you that nobody is getting tickets for using "Chum" gear. I'm not sure where Mr. Kruse is getting that information. That is ridiculuous. Yes, we do cite folks for selective gear violations or violations for the anti-snagging rule. I also see alot of fishermen targeting salmon in closed areas such as the SF Stilly. Unless they are using illegal "anti-snagging" gear, the worst that can happen is a verbal warning, unless of course they are in possession of a fish. Please, don't believe everything that you read. If you have a question, get ahold of one of us."