11/15/2010 2:47:00 PM
11/15/2010 4:06:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
I didnt get skunked today :) but, did not catch a salmon. Got out to Barrier dam at about 9:00 a.m. It was NOT combat fishing, there was maybe 20 people from the boat launch all the way up all day. Within first 10 minutes, I felt TAP TAP TAP, set the hook, fish on. Something wasnt right tho, there was hardly any fight, finally saw the beast. A 4 POUND SUCKER !!! Released it, continued fishing. I used red,green,black, yellow, red, all day. I had most luck on green tho. I had alot of hits, but only 4 hook solid hook ups. There were alot of fish today, but couldnt get any on the bank. So at about 2:00, left Barrier dam, and hit Blue Creek's boat launch. Fished there till 1:00, saw a guide service hook into and land a fish on bobber and eggs. At about 3:30, i had another nice hit. Set the hook, and a beautiful winter run steelie jumps out of the water. Played the metalhead for about 3-4 minutes, then it spit the hook at me. Throught out the day. There were only 3 fish caught that i saw. All on bobber and eggs. 2 were at Barrier dam, the other at Blue Creek.
Hooked my first steelhead. Some silvers, and landed a sucker. I did not get skunked:)
Good Luck.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service