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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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North Fork Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



All Day

My bro and I fished the N.Fork Stilly today. Started around 9am at the Cicero bridge with water temp around 40 degrees. Couldn't hook any fish, so we went up high to Cpost. Fish were surfacing when we got there so we casted out. He managed to land a nice 32" coho, and a native summer steelhead. From there we tried around Oso with no luck, then we went back down low. Tried jigs for a while, nothing. Then he grabs my 2nd rod and hooks another 28" silver on his first cast with a spinner. Then I hook up and its another coho, followed by another one. Then I hook up again and its a pig of a silver... ends up being 33" and real fat. While I'm fighting that one he hooks up again too... double. After that he lands a 15" rainbow. All in all we hooked into 6 silvers, 1 steelhead, and 1 rainbow. No fish were foul hooked or lost. All fish were released unharmed after quick pics. No hatchery chrome, but it was the best day of fishing we ever had.


12/6/2010 6:40:00 AM
nice fish,great report,thank you!
12/6/2010 9:58:00 AM
Nice report. But remember that your suppose to keep those fish in the water for the picture. I don't really care, but the WDFW would.

Just saying.
12/6/2010 8:35:00 PM
great job! great report! thanks for the report. I almost went fishing on the stilly the same day, but time would have been limited so I decided against it....Maybe I should have gone....thanks again for the report, seems like only a couple people have been doing the reports lately, you hear of members catching fish but never see a report.
12/7/2010 9:22:00 AM
Best report I have seen or heard of in the area in a while! What a SWEET day.
12/8/2010 9:18:00 PM
only the nate should stay in water, the old silvers no prob
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709