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Willamette River Report
Multnomah County, OR


Chinook Salmon
All Day

I live in Seattle, fished the Willamette this week with my buddy who lives in Columbia City, OR. Three of us for three days, Thurs, Fri and Sat. We went 6 for 8 in the harbor below Swan Island. 5 on spinners and one on a cut plug. A little slow actually, we did better than most. My buddy will switch over to the C for now, but he will be quick to return to the Willy. He has 46 springers in his boat so far this year and June is actually for him a better month. Last year I fished with him on the Willy June 14,15 and 16 and brought home 3 springers. The Clackamas fish are always late. Kind of wish I lived down there, more fishin than around Seattle. I was born raised/down there but family keeps me around Seattle.

We saw some furbags but they didnt bother us. We heard the furbags took some fish at the head of the MC.


timber bliss
5/17/2011 1:41:00 PM
i also was raised in oregon, [vernonia] fished the col. shell beach and the slew. now what does furbag refer to????
5/17/2011 5:19:00 PM
Sea lion dah
5/17/2011 7:00:00 PM
Furbag is the local Oregon name for a Sea Lion. Vernonia? When I was a kid, like in the 50's, we used to fish Rock Creek a lot. My friends grandad had a farm near Birkenfeld and we used to hunt Bandtail Pigeons there. I screwed up the date of that report, it was last Thurs - Sat.
timber bliss
5/18/2011 6:41:00 AM
ok thanks, thats funny are farm 650 acres, was east of mist 2 miles. what is the name of your friend from berkinchuck as we called it then. im 69 so may have went to school with him.
5/20/2011 12:45:00 PM
My friends name was Bill Smith, but we both lived in PDX. His paternal grand dad had a place at Birkenfeld, right next to the highway. I'm 67 so I'm a fellow old guy. The guy I fished with for springers lives in Columbia City, we went to high school together. He moors his boat at Freds Marina, near the Sauvies Island Bridge. But he also plunks Prescott Bar a lot and he does real well at Prescott for salmon and steelhead. I llive in Seattle but I fish in Oregon 5- 6 times a year.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709